Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Freaking myself out

I really wish I had way to see inside my body and know what was going on. I'm having many strange weird nebulous symptoms and can't quite figure it out. some of them are digestive, so the primary doc sent me for a gall bladder u/s last week. It was negative as I knew it would be. My pains are either on my left side, or lower in my pelvic region. In the last week, I have felt as if I were stimming for an IVF cycle. I have also wondered if I were pg. I figured it was next to impossible, but a friend is pg after 2 forms of birth control failed, so stranger things have happened. Maybe my body is just gearing up to ovulate? I really have no idea what to expect. Little Bit night weaned so much earlier than his brothers that I guess I could O at any time.

It doesn't help that September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. Every time I turn around I am reading the symptoms in some magazine or other. I have several of them. It is truly freaking me out AND making me feel like a hypochondriac both.

So, off to the OBGYN I go next week. That appointment can't come too soon!!

1 comment:

Jo said...

Fingers crossed over here.