Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Live, Love, Laugh

Phew What a Day and its only 10 AM
DS 4 years old has SID. I haven't posted alot lately because he has been improving sooo much. Well, today was a nightmare. And I sit here chewing my nails until I can go pick him up at school to see if his day turned around.

First, he came into my bed in the middle of the night. I didn't even realize it because I was up really late with allergies and the benadryl knocked me out. Somehow, he opened his sippy cup of water in his sleep and woke up screaming because his shirt was wet. I realized then we had overslept and suggested he just get dressed for school. Nope, he needed another pajama shirt. He was very tired and lethargic and I considered keeping him home, but he wanted to go and I knew he would tantrum later if I didn't take him.

Getting ready, he refused to wear the "tighty whities" I recently bought for him. He needs underwear with pictures. I even tried to bribe him to put them on. No go. Everything from then on was a fight. We finally found acceptable underwear, got him dressed and got him to school. But then he didn't want to stay. The parent helper that day was actually a classmates grandmother who doesn't speak English. She tried to take him by the arm and lead him to somewhere to play, but he had a fit. Probably, didn't help to be touched by someone he barely knows. Since he was already having a difficult day sensorily, this just set him off more. I tried everything. I was going to just bring him home when he gave the impression he might want to stay. Finally, his teacher just came out to the hall and picked him up kicking and screaming. She is not a very warm, fuzzy person-at least not with parents, so I felt really awkward and awful that he was tantruming in her arms. He really is too big to be behaving like that anymore. I got out of there as quickly as I could and just hope that it turned around.

I know it could be so much worse, but somedays I wonder why my poor sweet boy has to be plagued with such hassles.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mommy Milestone

Well, I hit a mommy milestone yesterday. I had to rush my own child to the ER. I've been rushed to the ER, I've watched others children while they rushed the injured one to the ER, but I've never had to take my child.

It turned out to be much ado about nothing, but Maestro was running through the house, he fell, and cut underneath his lip. Actually, his teeth went all the way through from the inside to the outside. It bled so badly that at first I couldn't even tell where he was cut. We had plans to meet friends at Fun Time Junction (a great indoor play space) so I hoped we could stop the bleeding and get there. Maestro was very good about letting me ice it and eventually the bleeding stopped. Then as I tried to clean him up, I realized the cut went all the way through. It was so gross. I didn't even call the doc, I just called the friend we were supposed to meet and headed to the ER.

I was so proud of Galileo. He really took it all in stride and was trying to cheer Maestro up by singing to him. Luckily, I have a friend who lives right across from the hospital so she came and got Galileo and took him home to play with her son. Keeping them both under control for 3 hours in the ER would have been a nightmare!

Anyway, as it turns out, it didn't need stitches and they just sent me home with antibiotic ointment and instructions to see our pedi this AM. I took Galileo in and Dr. C. said all is fine. She said I probably didn't even need to come in, but she had talked to the ER doc and he really wanted her to see him. The reassuring thing was that she said that if I had called she would have told me to take him to the ER for stitches. So, at least I know I didn't over react.

I was very disappointed to miss Fun Time Junction. I think since he got a playdate with someone else that Galileo was fine with missing it. This is a woman I really want to get to know better and I know Galileo really considers her son a friend. Oh well, another time.

Now, off to clean. Nothing got done yesterday and I'm hosting Maestro's playgroup on Friday.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Live, Love, Laugh

Had a good day today. Princess is out of the hospital and doing fine. No other seizure although the EEG does have them consider that she may be at risk for further seizures or may end up having a seizure disorder. They sent her home with no meds and told her parents just to keep a close eye on her. They have always been a little more protective than most. I bet this will make them even more protective, understandably so. It may never happen again which is what we are all hoping for.

I finally got a bunch of junk to the resale store that has been sitting by my front door for weeks. She was pretty picky about what she would take, but that's ok. I still got $25 out of the deal. I took it in store credit because she has a double jogging stoller I want. She is holding the stroller because it is missing a piece, and she is waiting for the company to sent it to her. That works for me. Gives me more time to scour the attic and the basement for more things to take in for more credit.

I got to nap today because hubby was working from home. He takes Galileo downstairs with him while I nap with Maestro. It was awesome. I have more energy now than I have had in weeks! I'm trying to get some cleaning/organizing done, but have to get to sleep soon.

Another great thing! We don't have to rush around in the morning tomorrow. Galileo doesn't have OT. His OT has gone down to every other week!!! Woooo Hooooo!!! He is doing so well. I'm so hopeful we caught his SID in time to rewire him and give him a chance to reach his full potential. I just hope it hasn't warped his personality permanently. He is so anxious so much of the time. Its understandable in the context of the SID, but I hope we can help him get past it.

The rest of the day is busy. I take Galileo and his friend Bot (babyhood nickname robot) to a sports skill class every Thursday afternoon. Then, Bot comes back to our house to play until dinner time. Tomorrow, I am then taking dinner over with us when I take Bot home. We will eat dinner over there with them. His mother just had baby number 6. She is very self sufficient and won't ask for help, but this is one way I can help her without her getting to weirded out.

OK, hubby has come up for bed. Guess I should go connect with him and show him just how much I appreciated that nap. ;)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

No News and a long boring blather.

Talked to princess' mom a few times today. The last I heard around at 4:30, they were still waiting to talk to the neurologist. Their pedi said nothing stood out on the MRI, but the neurologist still has to read it. She also overheard a resident and a nurse talking and expects that they will have to stay in the hospital for another night. Considering that it is 8pm and I haven't heard anything, I am assuming they are staying over.

A woman at book group last night said that a good friend of hers had a child go through this. The girl had a seizure one day, had all the tests done, they all came back normal and it never happened again. I told my friend and I think it bouyed her spirits. I just wish there was something more I coudl do. If I had known they would be in more than one day, I might have tried to deliver a new toy and some yummy food.

As for me, I'm doing pretty well. Starting to get the house back under control. Between physical illness and depression this winter, the house is a wreck! I made a rule with J. that we have to put what we are playing with away before we get something else out. I was pretty strict about it and it worked pretty well. It would have worked much better if destructo boy wasn't coming along behind us pulling everything back out again. I swear in someways, M, makes J's toddlerhood look like a walk in the park. J was challenging in his own way because of the SID, but oh my I don't remember him being as typically toddler two as M is. And M is only 20 months! Heaven help me this summer!

I did manage to feel like a decent mother today. I gave the electronic babysitter the morning off and most of the afternoon. The boys played in their bean box, played playdough, read lots of stories etc. More stimulation than they have been getting recently. Sad but true! We were supposed to go grocery shopping, but it was snowing like crazy. I have to get a TON of stuff, so I want to go to Wegman's which is about 30 minutes south on the Garden State Parkway. That way J. could have fun in the child care room which he enjoys a lot and I could shop with only one child. Shopping with 2 kids is 3 times harder somehow. I decided not to go because they were predicting sleet and freezing rain along with the snow. I was in a horrible car accident in '91 during a winter storm. I nearly died several times, and I don't see a need to live through that again. Its funny, I lived in upstate NY at the time of the accident and I made myself drive in snow all the time the next year. It was like I had to get right back on the horse. I had several flash backs and was a nervous wreck, but I did it. I often didn't have a choice because of work etc. It snowed enough there that I couldn't take a sick day every time the weather was a little bad. Here in Jersey though, the snow just isn't as bad. It doesn't snow as often and when it does snow, it melts fairly soon after the storm. It is reasonable (as a SAHM) to just not go out in it. We made due today with no milk, no fruit, little bread, etc etc. I was proud of my boys, they dealt with the new rations very well. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be fine, so we'll head to the store then. Plus, da hubby is working from home tomorrow, so he can help me unload the car. An added plus!

Well, I guess I have blathered on long enough. My day was very productive and I wasn't bored at all. In fact, I was quite content, but this is certainly becoming a long boring entry.

Monday, March 07, 2005

A close friend just called me. Her daughter (aka princess) 2 1/2 years old had a seizure this AM. She called them from her crib. When her dad went to get her, princess' arm was all contorted. As he was changing her diaper, she became completely unresponsive. When he carried princess to the living room to my friend, princess' head was contorted in a strange position. She was unresponsive for what seemed like eternity. They called 911 and an ambulance took her to the hospital. She is still in the ER waiting for an MRI. The doctors can't tell them why she had a seizure. First they suggested it was febrile, but princess hasn't been sick and didn't have a fever when it happened. It is all very scary and is making Galileo's constant trantruming today seem like a blessing.

I so wish there was something I could do.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

to medicate or not to medicate? thats the question

I seem to be doing better. Got to get back to the doc to discuss my options though. May be just lowering my zoloft dose a litte.

I'm really kind of battling with myself over the whole med thing. I know I need it to be a rational, functional, non suicidal person and yet, in some ways I have liked this week when I haven't been on it. I feel more energized, more alive and more passionate abouteverything. But like dh says, its like living on a knife edge and one never knows what will send me careening down the other side. I don't want to live numb. I just want to live!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Depression SUX

I wrote this on a bullentin board that a cyber friend started for women living with PPD. I should have blogged it, so I am including it now. It was written last night at 11pm or so.

I'm sorry, this is likely to be a long venting downer post. Please feel free to skip it. I just need to get this out. Its soooooo frustrating to battle depression. The medicines are a life saver, but they also shut down a huge peice of me. That shut down affects me and my marriage and thus my dh.

I forgot to take my meds while at my moms. I decided to wait a couple more days before starting on it figuring dh and I might be able to "enjoy eachother" for once. (between illnesses, yeast infection and my lack of desire, we haven't had sex in much too long!)) Anyway, I figured I was doing ok, so dh deserved a real marriage. The fates worked against us. One night the boys tagged teamed being awake off and on all night. The next night, dh worked all night long. The next night he passed out long before JD was asleep so no go.

Tonight I lost my temper because there was no bread when I wanted to make a sandwich. I know I was irrational and it was due to lack of meds. BUT it wasn't that bad. Dh however was really "scared" by it. I cursed and stomped upstairs - not super mature I admit, but nothing to be afraid of. Anyway after that he was acting all weird around me, so no fun tonight either. grrrr.

I have to get back on the meds tomorrow AM first thing. I know it will take some time to build back up. But its time. I really screamed at JD a couple of times today. Now, granted, he was being really annoying and not paying any attention to me until I screamed, but it still wasn't an acceptable way to deal with a 4 year old. After tonight, I know losing it with JD was probably lackof meds also.

SO, be rational mostly functional and usually patient mom, or have a sex life with my dh. Why should i have to make these choices? It stinks.

Ok, whine fest is over. I should blog this, but dh and a good friend now know my blog address and I'm not sure I want them reading it. grrrrr

Thursday, March 03, 2005

How to begin?

I'm new to this whole blogging thing. Not sure how much background I should put in and how much I should just jump right in and blather.

Yep, this will likely be a lot of blather. I would love it to be hysterically funny like some of the blogs I read, but not sure I'll manage it. we'll see.

Hmmmm, what to say. I have 2 young boys.-preschool and toddler. One has sensory integrations disorder, but this is improving greatly with OT.

My husband and I have been married for 6 1/2 years. We hope for one more child some day, but aren't sure exactly when we will feel up to handling another one! lol.

I have a family history of depression and have battled depression my whole life. I titled this "live, love, laugh" to remind me that these are my main goals in life.

I will blather more later when the kids are sleeping.