Tuesday, March 08, 2005

No News and a long boring blather.

Talked to princess' mom a few times today. The last I heard around at 4:30, they were still waiting to talk to the neurologist. Their pedi said nothing stood out on the MRI, but the neurologist still has to read it. She also overheard a resident and a nurse talking and expects that they will have to stay in the hospital for another night. Considering that it is 8pm and I haven't heard anything, I am assuming they are staying over.

A woman at book group last night said that a good friend of hers had a child go through this. The girl had a seizure one day, had all the tests done, they all came back normal and it never happened again. I told my friend and I think it bouyed her spirits. I just wish there was something more I coudl do. If I had known they would be in more than one day, I might have tried to deliver a new toy and some yummy food.

As for me, I'm doing pretty well. Starting to get the house back under control. Between physical illness and depression this winter, the house is a wreck! I made a rule with J. that we have to put what we are playing with away before we get something else out. I was pretty strict about it and it worked pretty well. It would have worked much better if destructo boy wasn't coming along behind us pulling everything back out again. I swear in someways, M, makes J's toddlerhood look like a walk in the park. J was challenging in his own way because of the SID, but oh my I don't remember him being as typically toddler two as M is. And M is only 20 months! Heaven help me this summer!

I did manage to feel like a decent mother today. I gave the electronic babysitter the morning off and most of the afternoon. The boys played in their bean box, played playdough, read lots of stories etc. More stimulation than they have been getting recently. Sad but true! We were supposed to go grocery shopping, but it was snowing like crazy. I have to get a TON of stuff, so I want to go to Wegman's which is about 30 minutes south on the Garden State Parkway. That way J. could have fun in the child care room which he enjoys a lot and I could shop with only one child. Shopping with 2 kids is 3 times harder somehow. I decided not to go because they were predicting sleet and freezing rain along with the snow. I was in a horrible car accident in '91 during a winter storm. I nearly died several times, and I don't see a need to live through that again. Its funny, I lived in upstate NY at the time of the accident and I made myself drive in snow all the time the next year. It was like I had to get right back on the horse. I had several flash backs and was a nervous wreck, but I did it. I often didn't have a choice because of work etc. It snowed enough there that I couldn't take a sick day every time the weather was a little bad. Here in Jersey though, the snow just isn't as bad. It doesn't snow as often and when it does snow, it melts fairly soon after the storm. It is reasonable (as a SAHM) to just not go out in it. We made due today with no milk, no fruit, little bread, etc etc. I was proud of my boys, they dealt with the new rations very well. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be fine, so we'll head to the store then. Plus, da hubby is working from home tomorrow, so he can help me unload the car. An added plus!

Well, I guess I have blathered on long enough. My day was very productive and I wasn't bored at all. In fact, I was quite content, but this is certainly becoming a long boring entry.

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