Monday, December 11, 2006


I managed to score a gift I had long ago given up on getting. There was a cart full of TMX Elmo's in the middle of an aisle at Toys R Us today. I couldn't believe my luck. I watched many other people approach the cart and investigate in disbelief. I snatched one fast! Don't really have a kid its appropriate for, but we have gotten an elmo every year for the last 5 or 6. It is as much for the adults to laugh over as anything. I think Santa will give it to Little Bit and then the big boys can play with it.

I also finally found a gift for my hubby. I had to go to three different stores and then had to go back to the first store and buy the one I orignally bought that wasn't right. Then I had to go to the bank and redeposit the cash that she gave me for the return. Did all this plus Target and Toys R Us while Maestro was in preschool and still managed to pick him up 30 minutes early and get home to nurse Little Bit. Amazing what an unencumbered mom can accomplish!

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