Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Such a Bad Blogger

Things are so chaotic around here that I just haven't felt centered enough to post. That probably means that is when I need to post the most!

Of course some of what I need to vent about regards a relationship with another, and I dont' really think it is fair or respectful to air that here. I'm having a hard time being cheerful and light while feeling sad and angry and yet can't post about what is going on to make me feel that way. Don't want to be a shallow blogger and so I don't blog at all.

I admire my friend Randi who can blog about her life warmly and articulately. She reveals herself and her life in a confident inspiring way even when things are going horribly for her. ANd she doesn't make anyone else or herself look bad in the process. Its an art and a gift.

Anyway! we spent a long weekend at my mothers. The last day and a half were really good. Before that I was a stress puppy, exhausted, annoyed by my brother, annoying to my mother and on eggs that my kids were going to get yelled at by one of them for just being kids. Result was that I was lunatic mom and yelled at them much more than necessary.

We did have one beautiful afternoon when I walked them up to the playground on my mom's road. It is ancient and doesn't have much equipment, but they love it. Galileo when exploring and founds some trails through a field behind the playground so we went it cxploring. We collected milkweed pods for making into Christmas ornaments, and other seed pods for one of Galileo's extra credit projects for school. I also found sumac and elderberries and some weeds that I remember from my childhood and was able to teach the boys about them. I never realized just how different the flor in NJ is from that of central NY. I wonder if that is the minor difference in climate or if it a rural vs. suburban difference.

Ah well, need to go pick up maestro from a playdate and Galileo from school. I picked up a new art project to do while at IKEA. They are similar to the recalled aquadots, but they have to be ironed to get them to melt together. I think the boys want to do this after G's homework is done.

1 comment:

Friedlings said...

Carol Anne- You are a treasure!

Thanks for the kind words... thanks for the card with the kind words. What a treat to happen upon in my mailbox. I wish you were still next door. Alas, you're so, so far away now. Like 5 minutes, right? Ah, the good old days when I could open my dining room window and shout over to you in your kitchen. *Could have!* Didn't... I'm romancing the past, but at least I could tell when you were hanging out on your porch so we could chat.

And I LOVE reading your blog!

Thank you!

Your friend,