Saturday, November 24, 2007

It was a Happy Happy Day

I'm happy to say Thanksgiving went very well.

I cooked while Maestro was in preschool the day before. After I picked him up, I brought him home for lunch, peeled some sweet potatoes and then went to get Galileo. We all four went to Chuck E. Cheese where we met with Jonathan's best friend and his mom and sister. D. is becoming a good friend of mine so, it was a good time for all of us. We were there for hours and hours and hours. When we got home at 6:30, we found Craig had left for the office. He was suddenly having issues signing in to work from his laptop and wanted to get it to the tech people so they could fix it on Friday. I had a heart stopping moment when he told me he couldn't log in to the network. His company has been hit hard by the mortgage crisis and has been going through many lay offs. I was afraid his inability to log in meant he had been laid off. Luckily, I panicked for nothing. He was actually able to get his lap top working himself by loggin in at the office, so I guess it was good he went in to work.

I quickly fed the boys dinner and bundled them upstairs. I let them watch TV in my room until Craig came home. Thank Goodness for PBS kids on Cable. I was exhausted and my arthritis was acting up after hours on my feet holding Little Bit and chasing the big boys. I knew I should go downstairs and cook/prep some more, but I just couldn't. I took an ambien and went to sleep. Best move I could have made.

Thanksgiving morning I was up bright and early and cooked the rest of the day. when the big boys woke up, I did take a break to get them started on our "Tree of Thanks". We mixed brown paint, painted a big tree and then they cut out leaves and wrote what they were thankful for on them. I will take a pic later and post all the things they said. Some of them really warmed my heart.

Nana & Pop Pop showed up about 2 hours after the turkey was done. It was still a last minute scramble to get everything else done, but it all worked out. The gravy was gross, the potatoes were only OK and the pie crust was soggy. I was proud of myself though because I didn't stress out, I didn't get mad at Craig or yell at the kids. I didn't try to make it perfect and it was good enough. Most importantly my boys had a good day.

The next day I woke up with no voice and Little Bit's cold.

Today, we are heading to Craig's parents. His highschool reunion is tonight and Nana & Pop Pop are taking the kids. Of course we haven't packed and are running really late ( I had hoped to be there by now), but I did find a dress to wear in the attic and so we are off again.

such a dry boring post. I really must learn to do short posts more often.


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