Friday, January 25, 2008

Was Hoping to Finish up today

I was hoping to finish up with what has been going on with Galileo today. Unfortunately, I feel down the cement steps at Maestro's school today (with baby in my arms of course) so I need to go put my leg up and ice it while baby is napping. Luckily baby is ok and there were other mom's there to walk M. in and get Baby back in the car. Craig is still at home (leaving for an onsite in an hour or so) so he was able to carry baby in from the car. Not sure what I will do about the Costco run or picking Maestro up from school. Hopefully my leg will be ok by then. There is a huge knot on my shin where I scraped it and my knee is really swollen. Of course its the one that I need to have surgery on at some point, but I am putting it off as long as possible (going on 5 years now).

OK, to the ottoman.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Ouch! That must really hurt :(. Get plenty of rest and make sure your men take good care of you. Thank goodness the baby is fine. Those mom instincts are amazing, aren't they? When M was an infant I fell down my stone stairs while holding her. Somehow I managed to keep her up as I went head over heels down the stairs. I was bruised from head to toe but she was just dandy.