Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And Part Three

So, over the top reactions continued.

When I pregnant with Maestro, I was having a lot of preterm labor and Craig was working several states away. We decided caring for a 2 year old 24/7 on my own was not a good idea. As much as it broke my heart, I started taking Galileo to a day care center 3x a week. After the initial adjustment he really seemed to enjoy it. The toddler room head teacher was very warm and nurturing. He responded to her very well. Over the summer, he began transitioning to the preschool room upstairs. It was more typical "preschool" and less day care. He seemed to be doing ok with it, so I thought we would keep him there in the fall even though I had registered him in a local cooperative nursery school. Then September came. He HATED the preschool room. Would not go in if his life depended on it. In fact it was as though is life depended on not going in that room at any cost. He screamed and cried and ran and kicked and hit to such an extreme that I couldn't even hold him. I'm a BIG woman, fairly strong, and have worked with violent, emotionally disturbed kids. The fact that I couldn't "manhandle" him into that room told me something and we left the school to never return. He started a week late at the preschool he was originally registered at and did fine. He had his issues and tantrums etc, but over all he enjoyed going there. It was a small nurturing environment with lots of parent involvement and very little academic expectation. They were only 2 1/2 after all.

OK, Baby is NOT putting up with this. I will post more on this extremely long story later.

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