Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Mesganna is arhamic for grateful or gratitude. That is how I am feeling right now. It is also a feeling I need to hold onto in my life.

I took the big boys to see the Mesganna dancers at SOPAC tonight. These are girls who are part of Children of Ethiopia Education Fund program. They performed several traditional Ethiopian dances. It was great and the boys loved it. It was a little different than I expected. Then I realized "duh! Africa is a huge continent with many cultures of course all the dancing isn't the same". Reminds me how small my little portion of the world really is and how much else is out there to explore.

Anyway, on the way up the hill, Maestro fell asleep and Galileo and I had a great conversation. They had shown a several videos of Ethiopia while the girls changed costumes. The last one also had words written over the pictures that Galileo wanted me to read to him. I read what I could and we discussed the rest on the way home. They were all about the poverty and lack of education in Ethiopia. We told him that what we spent on snacks at intermission would feed an Ethiopian family for a week. We also talked about how many schools have no books etc. At on point he said, "H & R are lucky Justin and Randi adopted them so the could live in America". I reminded him of the tragedy of losing their biological parents first. He thought about this for a while. Then he asked if we could adopt from Ethiopia. He said 2 brothers would be good for our family. First he wanted babies, but then when I told him older kids have a harder time finding new families, he said, "well, then lets get 2 older brothers mom". Gotta love the kid. I have to remember that despite the angry outburts, temper tantrums and other challenges, there really is a sweet giving kid in there. It is my job to help him come out.

So, mostly tonight I am grateful for my children and the wonderful night we had together. Now, I must pretend to sleep, or none of us will be feeling grateful tomorrow

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