Saturday, August 18, 2007

Early Intervention

The Early Intervention team came to see evaluate Little Bit today. He has been getting private PT for Torticollis since the spring. His PT was starting to be concerned that he was falling behind in gross motor skills.

He had an explosion in the last few days and is doing just what he should. His adjusted age is 8 months 3 weeks. He is on the 9-10 month scale for gross motor. EI evaluator was slightly worried about his speech, but I'm sure its because he is concentrating on motor skills so much. He was babbling and "Da Da Da"ing a ton until a week or two ago. Now he is focused on crawling. I'm sure the speech will come in time.

They did make me wonder if he really needs the PT. Don't want to stop prematurely, but also don't want to keep going if he doesn't need it. Would rather spend the time and money at music class or gym class or whatever.

Ah well, its a beautiful day, time to get the kids outside!

Carol Anne

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