Sunday, April 03, 2005

Well, my goodness, I'm not good at keeping up am I. Now its been so long, I don't know where to start.

Maestro is doing fine with the cut lip, I don't think its even going to leave a scar. I'm just bummed I missed the play date with the others.

Galileo is doing very well. I got him to an allergies before the season really hit, and I hope we have him well medicated enough that he will be able to play outside this year and not be miserable. We have spent mucho bucks on dust mite control (mattress and pillow covers) and air cleaners for the bedrooms. Hopefully they will all make a difference. At the first apt., she didn't say anything about getting rid of our animals. At the next apt., she was more sure that they are part of the problem and probably should go.

Poor guy had skin testing at that apt. He was a real trooper. I was terrified. A sensory sensitive, tactile defensive kids getting allergy tests. Part of why I didn't push when the pedi told me he was too young for an allergist. He sat on the exam table telling the doc "I'm going to do a good job!". He repeated it several times. I was very encouraging, while thinking "poor kid, you don't know whets coming". Over all, he did well. He screamed bloody murder, but he let her do the first arm without fighting. He didn't want to give her the second arm, but he did. I squeezed him really tight and he held on to me like the world was coming to an end, but he got through it. He barely even complained about the itching and he had a few huge welts. As I knew, he is allergic to tree pollen.

When the doc came back in the room, he completely turned his back on her. It was funny and a little sad. She came back to talk to me. I had asked to be seen too because my allergies have been acting up and were awful that day. I expected to get a new prescription and to promise to come back for testing after the worst of the season was over. I got 3 new prescriptions and a diagnosis of asthma. I had to get a peak flow meter to test my breathing 2x/day and was asked what I would do if the pets were a huge part of my problem. Sigh......

We went to a kids crafts meeting with the new mom's group I joined. It was great. I really liked the moms and Galileo got along great with the other boys who were there. No tantrums the whole time even though it was late afternoon on a friday and he was tired.

other cool news. We got a tent camper from freecycle. A minister in a nearby town was giving away a tent camper to the first person who could haul it away. Luckily hubby was working from home that day so we were able to go look at it. We had a hitch, but needed the ball joint to fit in it so we drove all over loooking for an auto parts store that had one. We finally found one and hubby made it back to pick up the camper. He and the man had a nice conversation since hubby is a PK (preacher's kid). Hubby is very excited. We both want to go camping with the kids, but were afraid of Maestro escaping the tent, this has a door we should be able to latch and hopefully is substantial enough that Galileo will feel safe. Its very old, but has almost new canvas. There are a couple of holes, but hubby is hopeful we can patch them. I hope we can get it cleaned up and that it is road worthy. Maybe in a month or so we can take it somewhere near by to try it out.

If it does work well, we plan to go to Raquette Lake this summer. This is one of my all time favorite places, but the cabins we wanted to stay in were all booked. I doubt we will get hubby's parents or my mom to come up and camp, but maybe my brother would join us for a couple of nights.

Ok, its late. Tomorrow is a busy day. Maestro and I are checking out a new playgroup and I need to go to the grocery store. I host book group tomorrow night and don't have any snacks.

I can tell from this post that my depression is mostly being held at bay. May that continue!

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