Tuesday, December 02, 2008

They're coming to take me away Hee Hee!

I am formally declaring that by the time he turns 16 either Galileo or I will have been committed to an asylum. I have had a fairly fullfilling life, so I'm volunteering. Frankly, I could use the peace and quiet that sharing the common areas with a few psychotic co inmates would provide. ;-) Do you think if I rock, drool and blow rasberries constantly the men in the white coats would come any sooner?

OK. I will now remove tongue from cheek, suck down a protein shake, take my zoloft and start the coffee. 10 minutes to get snacks made, change the baby, shepherd the big boys through the rest of their morning routine and get out the door to school.


Robin said...

Oh can I identify. I've often threatened to run away to one of those convents with a vow of silence. Do you think they take Jewish nuns? I could be Sister Moishe...

Bobbie said...

Hang in there. Thanks for the morning smile, I have thought the same myself!!
You're giving it util 16...I make not make my son's 13th (kidding)
remember..coffee solves everything

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard that song in ages, but it should be included in the soundtrack of my life. If they come for you, can I come along for just a weekend? I would prefer isolation (private room, ya know) but if not, put me out there with everyone else!

I've enjoyed your blog!