Tuesday, January 08, 2008

For Alison & Al

I have been posting on various parenting communities for years. One places I have been a member of the longest is INCIID. I turned to INCIID when we were TTC our first and it wasn't coming easy. Now I post on the Parenting after Infertility boards. Anyway, one of our members lost her husband to colon cancer early Tuesday morning after a very valiant and difficult fight. Alison has shown such strength, courage and love through it all. I can only hope that if I am ever tested in such a way (please God, no) that I will have half the grace she has had.

Anyway, as I was cleaning over the weekend and listening to the radio, this song came on. It is so perfect for Alison and Al and their life together that I just sat down and sobbed for them. Isn't it strange how the tragedies of complete strangers are brought closer via the internet and yet I don't even know the names of the people 4 houses away?

Anyway, Alan, I hope you have found peace and I pray for continued strength for Alison and their children. Here's to you all

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