Thursday, January 10, 2008

Better Today

A couple days of sunshine have med the world of difference. Shows me I really do need to haul my ass out of bed in the morning to use the light box. Something that might help that is turning the TV off and getting my tush into bed!

Thanks Robin for pointing out I was being hard on myself, I didn't even realize it until you posted that!

Trying to live on the "its good enough" motto. Galileo's birthday is tomorrow and this is the first year we are not having a party for him. Last year's party was so stressful and expensive with classmates bringing uninvited siblings, kids not staying in the party room, being informed of food allergies the instant the pizza is served in an expectant way etc. That I told Galileo that Kindergarten was the last year for the large all class + other friends party. Anyway, we are taking him to the Big Apple Circus instead. We will take him to lunch before hand at Ekko, his favorite restaurant. Today he started asking if he could "Please have a party, please". Broke my heart. I started wanting to scramble to invite a few friends over after school serve pizza and cake etc. Then, I got a grip. My mother is coming down today to be here for his birthday and to go to the circus with us. I will take some killer spiderman cupcakes in to school so his class can sing to him tomorrow. He is going to the babysitting night at his old preschool on Friday (he chose to go). He certainly doesn't need any presents since he has yet to even open the boxes of some things he got for Christmas.

So, as long as my mom and I can manage not to fight about the dismal condition of my house and the baby can manage to not get any sicker (he has a cold), Galileo should have a great birthday weekend. Much more fun and exciting that one short 90 minute party. right?


Robin said...

I'm glad things are looking brighter today, literally and figuratively.

Your birthday plans for Galileo sound great. I'm sure he's going to have a terrific time.

Anonymous said...

When our kids were about the age of your son we started doing a "kids" party every other year. On the off year we do an event, like your circus!

Some people I know do it on multiples of 5----or whatever.