It was while he was a student in the 2 1/2 year old room that I finally started to figure out what the problem was. Someone posted "is my child just a brat" on the Parenting After Infertility board that I frequented at INCIID. In many ways this mom could have been describing Galileo, and yet I knew he wasn't a "brat". She got many responses. Several of them suggested she investigate SID or Sensory Integration Disorder which is more recently being referred to as Sensory Processing Disorder. OMG they were describing my child! I ran out to get the book The Out of Sync Child by Carol Stock Kranowitz. So much of what I read made so much sense, not just for Galileo, but for me, my brother, and others in our family.
Unfortunately, but this time, Galileo was 3 and it was too late to have him evaluated by Early Intervention, so I called the school district. We went to the meeting that would decide if they would even evaluate him for special services through the district. He did great in the meeting showing how smart he is and how articulate. But, they also did see his issues. He especially showed his colors to the social worker with a major tantrum as we were leaving. I learned later that this difficulty with transitions is typical of a child with SPD. The OT also observed him in his nursery school. She found some significant issues that I didn't even realize were there. For example, he had such a hard time riding a tricycle due to his vestibular issues.
VESTIBULAR: the sense of movement; input from the inner ear about equillibrium, gravitational changes, movement experiences and position in space.
I hadn't even considered him having vestibular challenges since he had always been such a good climber. She also felt some of his interactions with other kids were affected by Proprieoceptive Problems
PROPRIOCEPTION: the sense of "positon"; input from the muscles and joints about body position, weight, pressure, stretch, movement and changes in position.
It all made so much sense. It was also very validating to hear. I was not a bad mother and Galileo was not a brat!
Unfortunately, he also did not qualify for services through the district. The OT felt his preschool placement was good for him, but did suggest we get private OT. As we were going through the district process, we also had evaluations by a pediatric neurologist recommended by our pediatrician and by a private OT (occupational therapy). The neurologist was really obnoxious. Didn't think any stay at home mom had any business knowing about SID and thought Galileo was defiant and on the verge of ADD. The way she described him was as a future psychopath. I was livid! Her manner with her was awful and all the things she was using to base her "diagnosis" on were related to his SID (not wanting to use her bathroom, not transitioning away from the toy he was enjoying etc.).
The private OT on the other hand did feel she could help him and I agreed. Of course a former friend pointed out that OT's have a bias to see sensory stuff, but my gut was telling me it was real and should be treated. We had to pay out of pocket and get only a portion reimbursed by insurance since the OT group was out of network. It made money very tight for awhile with the 2 and 3x/ week sessions, but I felt it was important enough to make it happen.
Sometimes I wondered if it was all hocus pocus and if it was really helping, but eventually, we began to see a difference. We could go into costco without him cringing in pain at the sound of the air conditioners, we had the occassional birthday party without tears, he started to participate in music class at school. We continued the private OT for over a year and met with a psychologist who specializes in Sensory Integration issues. Both really helped. We also helped Galileo learn how coping skills for when he was overwhelmed and stopped having power struggles over things like clothing. To this day, my motto is "if he is comfortable, I dont' care what he looks like. Peer pressure will start influencing him soon enough". He does know that there are few rare special occasions like family portraits or weddings when he will have to wear what is expected of him, but we work with him to make those outfits as comfortable as possible.
Oh wow, this has gotten way to long and I fear very boring. it is bath time now. I will continue and hopefully finish tomorrow. I may post date a few posts for continuity.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Was Hoping to Finish up today
I was hoping to finish up with what has been going on with Galileo today. Unfortunately, I feel down the cement steps at Maestro's school today (with baby in my arms of course) so I need to go put my leg up and ice it while baby is napping. Luckily baby is ok and there were other mom's there to walk M. in and get Baby back in the car. Craig is still at home (leaving for an onsite in an hour or so) so he was able to carry baby in from the car. Not sure what I will do about the Costco run or picking Maestro up from school. Hopefully my leg will be ok by then. There is a huge knot on my shin where I scraped it and my knee is really swollen. Of course its the one that I need to have surgery on at some point, but I am putting it off as long as possible (going on 5 years now).
OK, to the ottoman.
OK, to the ottoman.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
And Part Three
So, over the top reactions continued.
When I pregnant with Maestro, I was having a lot of preterm labor and Craig was working several states away. We decided caring for a 2 year old 24/7 on my own was not a good idea. As much as it broke my heart, I started taking Galileo to a day care center 3x a week. After the initial adjustment he really seemed to enjoy it. The toddler room head teacher was very warm and nurturing. He responded to her very well. Over the summer, he began transitioning to the preschool room upstairs. It was more typical "preschool" and less day care. He seemed to be doing ok with it, so I thought we would keep him there in the fall even though I had registered him in a local cooperative nursery school. Then September came. He HATED the preschool room. Would not go in if his life depended on it. In fact it was as though is life depended on not going in that room at any cost. He screamed and cried and ran and kicked and hit to such an extreme that I couldn't even hold him. I'm a BIG woman, fairly strong, and have worked with violent, emotionally disturbed kids. The fact that I couldn't "manhandle" him into that room told me something and we left the school to never return. He started a week late at the preschool he was originally registered at and did fine. He had his issues and tantrums etc, but over all he enjoyed going there. It was a small nurturing environment with lots of parent involvement and very little academic expectation. They were only 2 1/2 after all.
OK, Baby is NOT putting up with this. I will post more on this extremely long story later.
When I pregnant with Maestro, I was having a lot of preterm labor and Craig was working several states away. We decided caring for a 2 year old 24/7 on my own was not a good idea. As much as it broke my heart, I started taking Galileo to a day care center 3x a week. After the initial adjustment he really seemed to enjoy it. The toddler room head teacher was very warm and nurturing. He responded to her very well. Over the summer, he began transitioning to the preschool room upstairs. It was more typical "preschool" and less day care. He seemed to be doing ok with it, so I thought we would keep him there in the fall even though I had registered him in a local cooperative nursery school. Then September came. He HATED the preschool room. Would not go in if his life depended on it. In fact it was as though is life depended on not going in that room at any cost. He screamed and cried and ran and kicked and hit to such an extreme that I couldn't even hold him. I'm a BIG woman, fairly strong, and have worked with violent, emotionally disturbed kids. The fact that I couldn't "manhandle" him into that room told me something and we left the school to never return. He started a week late at the preschool he was originally registered at and did fine. He had his issues and tantrums etc, but over all he enjoyed going there. It was a small nurturing environment with lots of parent involvement and very little academic expectation. They were only 2 1/2 after all.
OK, Baby is NOT putting up with this. I will post more on this extremely long story later.
Challenging Child - Part Two
Feel a little like I dredged up ancient history yesterday and then just left it hanging. So, now while baby is sleeping I am going to ignore the laundry, the kitchen floor, the dusting etc and try to organize my thoughts. I'm hoping by writing this all down, I will come up with some ideas of what to do.
Anyway, throughout his babyhood, Galileo was a challenge. He didn't sleep on a regular schedule, only napped in the swing, screamed bloody murder when every time he rode in the car etc. Everything that was supposed to soothe a fussy baby just made him scream louder. He was a good solid food eater, but that was about the only thing that wasn't a struggle.
As he grew into a toddler, I started having more concerns. He walked rather late, but I kept telling myself it was because he could get everywhere he needed to go by crawling and climbing. He talked very late. In fact at one year old he became virtually silent. No babbling, no gesturing etc. I had him on a waiting list for a speech eval and was doing every autism spectrum checklist I could find. I knew he wasn't autistic, he was a social child, but he was never happy and I *knew* something was wrong.
In music class he would cry at the start and then just run in circles around the room. One or two other kids did it too, so I tried to convince myself it was OK. The teacher told me it was just a way that some kids react to the music and not to worry. He never tried to participate in the songs with motions, only wanted to be in my arms during the dancing and in general didn't seem happy to be there. I would have stopped torturing the kid by making him go, but he did like to listen to the cd's in the car and at home. In fact, they were the one thing that made car rides bearable.
In Gymboree, he never wanted to do what the group was doing and avoided the parachute like the plague. He loved climbing on all the equipment, but wanted nothing to do with doing the obstacle course with a group. By the end he almost always had a melt down. Yet he did enjoy a lot of his time there.
At birthday parties, he always had a melt down. He would scream and cry and tantrum over the most seemingly inconsequential thing. He usually couldn't tell me what was wrong. I would spend the time cringing with embarrassment and trying to cajole him out of his problems. After an activity was over, he would often get upset that he hadn't done it and yet at the time it was going on he would have nothing to do with it.
He was miserable in many of his messy art classes. If he got one speck of shaving cream, paint, glue, goop or whatever on his hands, he HAD to go wash it off. If I tried to get him to stay with the activity he would completely loose it. There were many a class that we had to step outside to calm down.
He had to quit a kids wood working class because he hated it so much. I knew then that he was sensitive to loud noises, so that one didn't surprise or upset me too much. He loved it the day they just did sanding and gluing, but the instant the hammers came out and the pounding started, he was out of there.
We could never go to places that I had looked forward to taking a child. Kiddie rides at amusement parks, the natural history museum, movies, chuckie cheese, somedays even Costco or the mall were all too much for him. He also hated swimming and his swim classes, although the bath tub was one of his favorite places.
It wasn't just that he had these quirks, it was his completely over the top reaction to them. (more later, baby crying)
Anyway, throughout his babyhood, Galileo was a challenge. He didn't sleep on a regular schedule, only napped in the swing, screamed bloody murder when every time he rode in the car etc. Everything that was supposed to soothe a fussy baby just made him scream louder. He was a good solid food eater, but that was about the only thing that wasn't a struggle.
As he grew into a toddler, I started having more concerns. He walked rather late, but I kept telling myself it was because he could get everywhere he needed to go by crawling and climbing. He talked very late. In fact at one year old he became virtually silent. No babbling, no gesturing etc. I had him on a waiting list for a speech eval and was doing every autism spectrum checklist I could find. I knew he wasn't autistic, he was a social child, but he was never happy and I *knew* something was wrong.
In music class he would cry at the start and then just run in circles around the room. One or two other kids did it too, so I tried to convince myself it was OK. The teacher told me it was just a way that some kids react to the music and not to worry. He never tried to participate in the songs with motions, only wanted to be in my arms during the dancing and in general didn't seem happy to be there. I would have stopped torturing the kid by making him go, but he did like to listen to the cd's in the car and at home. In fact, they were the one thing that made car rides bearable.
In Gymboree, he never wanted to do what the group was doing and avoided the parachute like the plague. He loved climbing on all the equipment, but wanted nothing to do with doing the obstacle course with a group. By the end he almost always had a melt down. Yet he did enjoy a lot of his time there.
At birthday parties, he always had a melt down. He would scream and cry and tantrum over the most seemingly inconsequential thing. He usually couldn't tell me what was wrong. I would spend the time cringing with embarrassment and trying to cajole him out of his problems. After an activity was over, he would often get upset that he hadn't done it and yet at the time it was going on he would have nothing to do with it.
He was miserable in many of his messy art classes. If he got one speck of shaving cream, paint, glue, goop or whatever on his hands, he HAD to go wash it off. If I tried to get him to stay with the activity he would completely loose it. There were many a class that we had to step outside to calm down.
He had to quit a kids wood working class because he hated it so much. I knew then that he was sensitive to loud noises, so that one didn't surprise or upset me too much. He loved it the day they just did sanding and gluing, but the instant the hammers came out and the pounding started, he was out of there.
We could never go to places that I had looked forward to taking a child. Kiddie rides at amusement parks, the natural history museum, movies, chuckie cheese, somedays even Costco or the mall were all too much for him. He also hated swimming and his swim classes, although the bath tub was one of his favorite places.
It wasn't just that he had these quirks, it was his completely over the top reaction to them. (more later, baby crying)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Challenging Child - Part One
I'm so worried about Galileo. He has always been a challenge. I came home in tears from a playdate yesterday. I fear the problems are getting worse instead of better as he gets older.
Galileo has always been challenging. He was a challenge to conceive - we did IVF. Luckily our first one took and except for having a vanishing twin, my pregnancy was really very easy. I ended up giving birth to him by c-section because he flipped from head down to breach at 38 weeks. Kind of indicative of the "my way or now way, Mom" pattern we have been in ever since. My doctor didn't believe me when I told him at the 38 week appointment. At the 39 week appointment the u/s confirmed it. He was born 10 hours later via c-section.
His babyhood was very challenging. He had difficulty nursing and I didn't know what I was doing. As a result, I started to lose my milk supply and for a few agonizing days, my baby was bascially starving. I had this blissful image that when baby cried I would put him to my breast and all would be right with his world. I would be the one person that could comfort him. Instead, I put him to the breast and he would scream and scream. That is until he became listless and lethargic with dehydration. When I first took him to the doctor, I was told to nurse, pump and supplement with pumped breast milk. The next time we went back, he was still losing weight so we we told to supplement with formula. I felt so horrible and so guilty for that for years. I felt like such a failure. In many ways and for many reasons that feeling has never left me where Galileo is concerned. (I'm over the nursing issues and he was not fully weaned until he was over 3 years old, so I guess I did OK there in the long run.)
I so want to write more, and will continue later. For now I have things I have to do before I go pick up the little boys.
Galileo has always been challenging. He was a challenge to conceive - we did IVF. Luckily our first one took and except for having a vanishing twin, my pregnancy was really very easy. I ended up giving birth to him by c-section because he flipped from head down to breach at 38 weeks. Kind of indicative of the "my way or now way, Mom" pattern we have been in ever since. My doctor didn't believe me when I told him at the 38 week appointment. At the 39 week appointment the u/s confirmed it. He was born 10 hours later via c-section.
His babyhood was very challenging. He had difficulty nursing and I didn't know what I was doing. As a result, I started to lose my milk supply and for a few agonizing days, my baby was bascially starving. I had this blissful image that when baby cried I would put him to my breast and all would be right with his world. I would be the one person that could comfort him. Instead, I put him to the breast and he would scream and scream. That is until he became listless and lethargic with dehydration. When I first took him to the doctor, I was told to nurse, pump and supplement with pumped breast milk. The next time we went back, he was still losing weight so we we told to supplement with formula. I felt so horrible and so guilty for that for years. I felt like such a failure. In many ways and for many reasons that feeling has never left me where Galileo is concerned. (I'm over the nursing issues and he was not fully weaned until he was over 3 years old, so I guess I did OK there in the long run.)
I so want to write more, and will continue later. For now I have things I have to do before I go pick up the little boys.
Friday, January 18, 2008
And then there were 3
Galileo just succumbed. Wonder how long Craig and I have. I pray it will skip us, but am doubtful. Hopefully we can at least stagger it.
Thanks goodness Craig is home. He will camp downstairs with Galileo. I will stay upstairs with Little Bit and Maestro.
Forgive me if I'm scarce for a while.
Thanks goodness Craig is home. He will camp downstairs with Galileo. I will stay upstairs with Little Bit and Maestro.
Forgive me if I'm scarce for a while.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Another Curve Ball
OK, I'm editing this post because it was incredibly selfish and self centered. My baby was miserable and I was worried about housework and baking for friends? Where are my priorities?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Picture - I'll write more later
Friday, January 11, 2008
Spiderman Cupcakes
So much I want to write, but I am desperate for my bed. 9 hours of sleep in 3 nights doesn't a happy mommy make! AND we have a big day tomorrow, so today will just post a pic of the cupcakes Galileo took to school today.

I'm pretty proud of myself. They are not nearly up to the beautiful cakes my friend, Robin, makes, but there are so much better than past efforts. And, when I showed Galileo this AM, he was thrilled and his whole face lit up. So, thats what counts! I hope to write more tomorrow, or more likely sunday.
I'm pretty proud of myself. They are not nearly up to the beautiful cakes my friend, Robin, makes, but there are so much better than past efforts. And, when I showed Galileo this AM, he was thrilled and his whole face lit up. So, thats what counts! I hope to write more tomorrow, or more likely sunday.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
really good day
I am actually going to bed feeling very good about my day. Called mom and warned her the house is a sty. So, she had a good attitude about it when she came. I did get a lot of picking up done in the living room and on the front porch. Cooked a decent meal.Had good interactions with my kids. Etc. Etc. Galileo was a joy. It is like jekyll and hide. Many theories on what is going on with him, but I am typing on my blackberry and its very slow going. I'll try to write more tomorrow, but its going to be harder with mom here.
Ugh Maestro is coughing so hard he just puked repeatedly. Poor kid. I thought about taking him to the allergist today, but didn't. Usually when he coughs this bad, she diagnoses a sinus infection. I was doubtful at first, since he was fine otherwise. But the antibiotics always cleared it right up. Unfortunately she is closed on fridays. I think I will take him to the regular ped. I so wish we had gone today. I want him to be well for the circus. Poor kid
"Mommy, I just don't like throwing up. It really isn't any fun.". And "This is the worstest night ever!"
Ugh Maestro is coughing so hard he just puked repeatedly. Poor kid. I thought about taking him to the allergist today, but didn't. Usually when he coughs this bad, she diagnoses a sinus infection. I was doubtful at first, since he was fine otherwise. But the antibiotics always cleared it right up. Unfortunately she is closed on fridays. I think I will take him to the regular ped. I so wish we had gone today. I want him to be well for the circus. Poor kid
"Mommy, I just don't like throwing up. It really isn't any fun.". And "This is the worstest night ever!"
Better Today
A couple days of sunshine have med the world of difference. Shows me I really do need to haul my ass out of bed in the morning to use the light box. Something that might help that is turning the TV off and getting my tush into bed!
Thanks Robin for pointing out I was being hard on myself, I didn't even realize it until you posted that!
Trying to live on the "its good enough" motto. Galileo's birthday is tomorrow and this is the first year we are not having a party for him. Last year's party was so stressful and expensive with classmates bringing uninvited siblings, kids not staying in the party room, being informed of food allergies the instant the pizza is served in an expectant way etc. That I told Galileo that Kindergarten was the last year for the large all class + other friends party. Anyway, we are taking him to the Big Apple Circus instead. We will take him to lunch before hand at Ekko, his favorite restaurant. Today he started asking if he could "Please have a party, please". Broke my heart. I started wanting to scramble to invite a few friends over after school serve pizza and cake etc. Then, I got a grip. My mother is coming down today to be here for his birthday and to go to the circus with us. I will take some killer spiderman cupcakes in to school so his class can sing to him tomorrow. He is going to the babysitting night at his old preschool on Friday (he chose to go). He certainly doesn't need any presents since he has yet to even open the boxes of some things he got for Christmas.
So, as long as my mom and I can manage not to fight about the dismal condition of my house and the baby can manage to not get any sicker (he has a cold), Galileo should have a great birthday weekend. Much more fun and exciting that one short 90 minute party. right?
Thanks Robin for pointing out I was being hard on myself, I didn't even realize it until you posted that!
Trying to live on the "its good enough" motto. Galileo's birthday is tomorrow and this is the first year we are not having a party for him. Last year's party was so stressful and expensive with classmates bringing uninvited siblings, kids not staying in the party room, being informed of food allergies the instant the pizza is served in an expectant way etc. That I told Galileo that Kindergarten was the last year for the large all class + other friends party. Anyway, we are taking him to the Big Apple Circus instead. We will take him to lunch before hand at Ekko, his favorite restaurant. Today he started asking if he could "Please have a party, please". Broke my heart. I started wanting to scramble to invite a few friends over after school serve pizza and cake etc. Then, I got a grip. My mother is coming down today to be here for his birthday and to go to the circus with us. I will take some killer spiderman cupcakes in to school so his class can sing to him tomorrow. He is going to the babysitting night at his old preschool on Friday (he chose to go). He certainly doesn't need any presents since he has yet to even open the boxes of some things he got for Christmas.
So, as long as my mom and I can manage not to fight about the dismal condition of my house and the baby can manage to not get any sicker (he has a cold), Galileo should have a great birthday weekend. Much more fun and exciting that one short 90 minute party. right?
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
For Alison & Al
I have been posting on various parenting communities for years. One places I have been a member of the longest is INCIID. I turned to INCIID when we were TTC our first and it wasn't coming easy. Now I post on the Parenting after Infertility boards. Anyway, one of our members lost her husband to colon cancer early Tuesday morning after a very valiant and difficult fight. Alison has shown such strength, courage and love through it all. I can only hope that if I am ever tested in such a way (please God, no) that I will have half the grace she has had.
Anyway, as I was cleaning over the weekend and listening to the radio, this song came on. It is so perfect for Alison and Al and their life together that I just sat down and sobbed for them. Isn't it strange how the tragedies of complete strangers are brought closer via the internet and yet I don't even know the names of the people 4 houses away?
Anyway, Alan, I hope you have found peace and I pray for continued strength for Alison and their children. Here's to you all
Online Videos by
Anyway, as I was cleaning over the weekend and listening to the radio, this song came on. It is so perfect for Alison and Al and their life together that I just sat down and sobbed for them. Isn't it strange how the tragedies of complete strangers are brought closer via the internet and yet I don't even know the names of the people 4 houses away?
Anyway, Alan, I hope you have found peace and I pray for continued strength for Alison and their children. Here's to you all
Online Videos by
Bad, Bad Blogger
21111rmSo many blog worth thoughts and moments that I just haven't captured. I need to learn to blog from my black berry. Here are snippets of what has been going on in my crazy, screwed up brain.
- is my depression affecting my kids. Are they being so impossible because of me? Or am I just blaming myself unnecessarily?
- should I finally give in and get gastric bypass? I have gained back most of the WW loss and just can't seem to get back to it.
- will I even be elegible for gastric surgery. AFter all, OBGYN who delivered Little Bit told me to never let anyone operate on my stomach again.
- HE DID IT!!! He doesn't realize it, but LB took 3-4 steps unassisted on Saturday. he did it again within the hour, but just looked at me like I was insane when I cheered and clapped.
- Another Milestone: At his 15 month well child check, Little Bit finally registered on the growth chart for his actual age. Only at 5th percentile for weight, but thats ok he made the chart! Was a time he was only 5th percentile for his adjusted age, so I'm psyched.
- Maestro's childhood is going to be gone before I know it and I will have wasted it. Kindergarten registration is in 2 months. Next sept., he will be away from me all day. If I want to build some amazing preschool memories with him, the time is NOW!
- How am I going to find a shrink who I connect with who will really help me and not just be my pusher. A pusher is fine when I'm doing well, but I need someone who I connect with and feel "gets me" when I'm in a bad place like I am now.
- How much longer is my poor knee going to hold on? I was told 4 1/2 years ago I needed surgery, but Maestro was exclusively breastfeeding so I put it off. My knee is painful all the time now and so creaky and crunchy inside that I fear it is only a matter of time before it locks up on me again. Do I go pursue surgery on it first or find a way to lose this extra person first?
- Am I living my life vicariously through the internet too much? Is that contributing to the depression or a result of it? I can't live my own life when I am so busy reading about others lives on the boards and blogs.
- Case in point, check out Randi's blog I await each new post with baited breath as she shares her amazing journey to Ethiopia to add a 5th child (a 15 year old boy) to her family. At least Randi is a former neighbor and IRL friend.
- How do I get more close friends added to my family's life. Again I worry it is my depression that is keeping them away
- I'm still (ridiculously) grieving the fact that there will be no more babies for us. I'm definitely reveling in Little Bit's growth and development and share moments of sheer joy with him nearly every day, but I do still feel a loss when another's pg is announced knowing I will never go down that road again.
- What in the world should we do with our totsicles? Should we donate them to my friend in Seattle who lost all her embryos during the thaw? Can I deal with someone else raising my child? If I can't donate them what do I do with them? Pay $1200 a year for the next 5 years when they will be destroyed anyway on my 45th birthday?
- Still kind of missing my fertile friend who's friendship I lost over above totsicles. She judged me about them when I was miscarrying rather than support me through a very difficult time. I know I can't trust her. This is not the first time she hurt me and yet I do miss her and her family. she helped me get started at WW and I it actually crossed my mind to call her and ask her to join WW with me again. Don't worry, L. I quickly squelched the thought!
- Ooo, I could prune out one of these and then save this post for Thurday Thirteen!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
PSA: Please check your carbon monoxide detectors
A close friend nearly had a major tragedy. A pipe to their furnace had clogged and flames were shooting out the front. Not only that, but the carbon monoxide was backing up into their house. She had checked the detectors recently, but somehow it got unplugged between then and now. I can't bear to think of all the horrible things that could have happened.
Please people (especially those of you who have been going through the cold snap with us.) Check your heating equipment and your carbon monoxide detectors.
Please people (especially those of you who have been going through the cold snap with us.) Check your heating equipment and your carbon monoxide detectors.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Black Eyed Peas
Made Black Eyed Peas and Collard Greens in the hopes of luck and prosperity in the New Year. Didn't have a recipe, so I want to type up what I did so I can repeat it. I got a "Wow this is GOOD Mom! Thank YOU!" from Galileo. I think my luck is all ready changing if the pickiest kid in the world can thank me for my cooking.
1 (16 oz) bag Black Eyed Peas ( I got the last black eyed peas in the whole store!)
Sweet Onion
dash red pepper
chicken broth
2 Bay Leaves.
1) Boil water. Rinse and pick over black eyed peas.
2) Place black eyed peas in boiling water for 4 minutes. Cover tightly and turn off heat. Let sit for an hour.
3) Slice and Sautee Keilbasa. Remove to large soup pot.
4) Chop onion and sautee in Keilbasa fat. Add minced Garlic, thyme, and red pepper.
5) Drain Black Eyed Peas and add to soup pot with Keilbasa.
6) Cover with Chicken Broth
7) Add Onion and spice mixture and Bay leaves.
8) Simmer for ~ 1 hour
9) Serve with Brown Rice, collard Greens and corn muffins
I didn't care for the collard greens much and neither did the boys, but Craig loved them.
I just sauteed onion, chives, a few jarred pimiento peppers garlic and a touch of tobasco in Bacon Fat. Added the collard greens. Added a little of the broth from the Black Eyed Peas above to steam. Threw in some apple cider vinegar and brown sugar and just cooked the life out of them. When they were dark green, I turned off the heat and left them covered to wait for the other things to finish cooking.
I'm proud of myself for creating something new and yummy and I think this will be a New Year's Tradition in this house now. Sitting down to a nice home cooked meal was a nice way to wrap up this school vacation. Now, time to sort clothes, clean the kitchen, pack lunches etc.
Happy New Year!!!
1 (16 oz) bag Black Eyed Peas ( I got the last black eyed peas in the whole store!)
Sweet Onion
dash red pepper
chicken broth
2 Bay Leaves.
1) Boil water. Rinse and pick over black eyed peas.
2) Place black eyed peas in boiling water for 4 minutes. Cover tightly and turn off heat. Let sit for an hour.
3) Slice and Sautee Keilbasa. Remove to large soup pot.
4) Chop onion and sautee in Keilbasa fat. Add minced Garlic, thyme, and red pepper.
5) Drain Black Eyed Peas and add to soup pot with Keilbasa.
6) Cover with Chicken Broth
7) Add Onion and spice mixture and Bay leaves.
8) Simmer for ~ 1 hour
9) Serve with Brown Rice, collard Greens and corn muffins
I didn't care for the collard greens much and neither did the boys, but Craig loved them.
I just sauteed onion, chives, a few jarred pimiento peppers garlic and a touch of tobasco in Bacon Fat. Added the collard greens. Added a little of the broth from the Black Eyed Peas above to steam. Threw in some apple cider vinegar and brown sugar and just cooked the life out of them. When they were dark green, I turned off the heat and left them covered to wait for the other things to finish cooking.
I'm proud of myself for creating something new and yummy and I think this will be a New Year's Tradition in this house now. Sitting down to a nice home cooked meal was a nice way to wrap up this school vacation. Now, time to sort clothes, clean the kitchen, pack lunches etc.
Happy New Year!!!
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