Thursday, September 11, 2008

Taking Joy in What I have

A friend is pg with #8! I knew it would happen, frankly expected the announcement months ago and yet when dh told me last night I felt so sad and envious. The stupid part is I was just reveling in the silence yesterday and in how much easier life is with one 2 year old around. Sometimes I want another baby, and yet it would put some many things I want to do with my older boys on hold again.

Then I heard about this pg and I wanted to cry. It stinks that I can't have any more. Irony of ironies, I am actually the most fertile I have ever been. My period is regular for the first time in my life, I can tell when I'm about to ovulate, etc. etc. BUT my current babies need a mom more than I need another baby, so its just not worth the risk to have another one. I can't say I didn't think about it going to ask the doctor how risky it would be though.

Ah well, I will just have to get my baby fix with this friends babies and then hand them back to her to deal with the spit up and the sleepless nights.

Carol Anne