Friday, April 18, 2008

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Since adopting from Ethiopia, a friend has become quite the cook of Ethiopian cuisine. We were there for dinner last night and when she asked how much pizza my kids would eat, I told her Galileo would actually prefer Missir Wet (a spicy lentil stew) and Injera (the spongy flat bread the food is eaten with instead of utensils) if she had any. He and I then both got delicious food including the missir, injera, shiro (a yummy concoction made from chick pea powder) and beef tibs. When I asked where she gets her ingredients, she gave me berbere (the spice powder), shiro a list of recipes and a mini cooking lesson. She also sent home some missir wet with us. Yummy! Thank you Randi!

I had asked my Ethiopian babysitter about berbere earlier in the day and she gave me a little tub of paste she makes from the berbere powder her friends bring her from home. Maestro and I stopped at a small Ethiopian restaurant and bought some injera for Galileo. He had wanted to take the Missir for lunch today until he realized we had no injera to eat it with. I think I can handle making the missir and shiro, but the injera may be beyond me. I may try with the boys this summer as a cooking/science lesson, but I'm not sure we will be successful. Anyway, I'm feeling a little silly since my only connection with Ethiopia is my friend and her adopted kids, but I'm still excited to learn. Mostly I'm thrilled to have a yummy way to get protein into Galileo that he won't complain about.

Unfortunately I won't get to try my cooking skills right away since we leave for my mother's right after soccer tomorrow, but hopefully sometime next week, I will be able to try.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Sounds delicious. I've always heard about how wonderful Ethiopian food is, I really need to make the effort to find an Ethiopian restaurant here and try it out.