Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What a day!

This is long and boring, but was therapeutic to write.

Nothing really bad, just exhausting

Baby up and down all night. He has spoiled me by being a good sleeper, so I just don't know what to do with myself when he doesn't sleep.

Dh got up with him at 6ish (after I begged) so I could get a few more winks. Woke me up from a beautiful dream at 7:15 telling me he had a train to catch and I HAD to get up. Ok, no need to yell at me. Totally killed the gratitude I felt for the extra sleep.

Galileo took prednisone last night and this morning because we thought he was having an asthma flare. His behaviour on prednisone is horrid and as the doc reminded me its not his fault. Still hard to take.

Decided not to send him to school this morning because he had a 10:15 appointment to check on the asthma. Still had to get Maestro to preschool and baby to babysitter.

Wrong! Took baby's temp as we left the house. Fever. Called sitter to cancel. Realized how spoiled I am and how much I enjoy my 2 mornings a week ALONE!

Inform preschool teacher that we may have a tight window at pick up time. She lets me know that it is NOT ok to be even a minute or two late. Luckily another mom is willing to be a back up, but she is all ready car pooling and her car is small.

Run through dunkin donuts drive through as I am desperate for coffee and am unlikely to make it to the grocery store to get some to make at home. Spend way to much money on a smoothie for Galileo because he was so polite about asking and not begging etc.

Get home from drop off to find verizon fios tech here about to leave. He was 3 hours early. When does that ever happen?! Luckily it was a fairly easy fix and we were only a few minutes late to doc. I'm relieved to know I have the electronic babysitters to lean on later

Took Galielo to allergist. Sinus infection. Needs antibiotics no more prednisone. Hallelueah! Does need a chest xray just in case.

On a whim ask her to take a listen to Little Bit. He is wheezing and has rales. Even when he needed the nebulizer last spring, he has never wheezed. He also needs a chest xray, antibiotics and an asthma med. May have pneumonia probably also has asthma.

Race down the hill to get Maestro at preschool. We are late, but it all works out.

Call childcare at the center where we get xrays to make sure they have room for Maestro. McDonald's drive through for the healthy one and then off to center.

Drop M off in childcare, take the other 2 for chest xrays. They did well, but Galileo was so impulsive from the prednisone that he couldn't keep his hands off things. He did get to see the xray afterwards though.

Lots of phone calls from/to the pharmacy and the allergists' office.

Call mom to let her know we are canceling our trip to her house this weekend.

Little Bit is miserable- crying and nursing ALL day. Galileo is upset that he has to miss school tomorrow and weds is art day which is his favorite. Maestro monopolizing my computer, but at least he is quiet.

DH gets home. I run to CVS. The parking lot is completely full. I have to wait for a space and there are 3 cars ahead of me! Line at pharmacy is 6+ people long and they have to mix my meds while I wait. People are staring daggers into my back I'm sure.

Stop for milk and a bite of chocolate. Home to arguing, crying etc.

Dispense all the various meds. I have to hold Little Bit while dh holds the inhaler mask over his face. Not sure how one person will be able to do this.

Now, Maestro is begging me to come up and hug him goodnight. And Little Bit is crying to nurse.

So, off I go. I think the dishes will wait until tomorrow!

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