Thursday, February 21, 2008

sick, sick, sick

This will be relatively short as I have a nasty sinus infection/bronchitis and should have been in bed hours ago.

Haven't updated in so long partly because the story of galileo's challenges was boring me and yet I felt compelled to finish it before I blogged about anything else. Some days have been so difficult that I just didn't have the energy to think about his issues anymore when I actually had the time and peace to blog. I have also had some health concers which have taken time and energy trying to figure out.

I'm re-thinkinking how much I should/want to share. The internet can be a scary place and I'm starting to do some serious thinking about privacy, internet security etc. Also not sure how much of Galileo's challenges it is fair for me to share. They are his after all not mine and maybe it isn't fair for me to put them all out there in a public forum. I don't have many readers, but as a strange comment I got a few weeks ago showed me, I just don't know what whackos may find this blog or what they might do with it once they find it.

Now, to bed.

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