Hoping NaBloPoMo will help me find my blog voice. Its hard to write sometimes because I don't have a focus. It seems the most successful blogs have a well defined purpose. From food blogs to adoption blogs to blogs about special needs kids. These blogs all have a reason for being that must make their writing easier. This started as a blog about surviving depression, but that got well depressing. I was writing about Galileo's challenges, but that felt like an invastion of his privacy. I could write about having a preemie except Little Bit is well on the way to being a completely normal, happy, healthy, stubborn 2 year old. His prematurity is beginning to fade from recent memory into the fables of our family. I can be a mommy blogger, but just don't write all that well and whats unique about a mom with 3 boys? Its a struggle to find out what is interesting and what I am willing to expose to the world. So much I could write about feels too personal and I'm not sure I'm ready to be that "out there".
I hope this month of writing every day will help me define this blog as well as getting into the habit of using it.
I'm not one to talk about blog definition, seeing as I'm pretty much the queen of eclecticism, but I'd guess that after writing 30 posts in 30 days you'll be able to see a focus taking shape, whatever it may be.
That said, I think eclectic is just fine, if that's where you are these days. Why limit yourself?
Either way I'll benefit though, since you'll be posting more ;-).
Dear Robin,
My one faithful reader, thank you for your continual support and kindness!
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