Thursday, November 06, 2008

Safe and Sound and Tired

Bill paying, a little cleaning, packing, rushing boy to doc, collecting other boys from neighbors, driving 4 hours, settling three boys to bed at Grandma's. Now, mommy must fight off the continued caffeine buzz and get some sleep. Grandma will be out in the AM, so no help then. We will either go to the Ithaca Science Center (about an hour away) the Corning Glass Museum, or the movie Madagascar. Or Bowling is another option.

Hopefully we'll get out of the house to do something or the boys will all be making us crazy by this time tomorrow!

Forgive me not making sense. I'm delirious.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Go to the movie, it's easiest and it really sounds like mommy could use a bit of down time.
