Saturday, October 06, 2007

Raging Lunatic!

I wanted to write a whole mushy entry about how glad I am it is not a year ago, how blessed I am, yada, yada, yada. That may be true, but Auntie dear decided to show up on Thursday, the wench! First time since Little Bit was born and she had to chose his birthday weekend. That is what I get for having a child night-wean so soon. I didn't get AF for at least a 2+ years with both of the older boys. GRRRR!

I went to the gyn.on Thursday. My mom missed the funeral of a good friend in order to come down and help me with child care. I'm sitting there on the table in the robe that barely covers me still unfolding the paper drape when doc walks in. She tells me I have to reschedule. GRRRR! At least she did give me a prescription for a pelvic u/s. Of course if a cyst is the issue it will likely leave town with Auntie dear.

Ah well, we are doing the miracle walk tomorrow. I have cupcakes to bake and snacks to pack up. I decided to go simple and just have fruit and cheese and crackers in the park after the walk. Dh thinks I should serve heartier fair, but oh well. I am baking cupcakes in ice cream cones and will let the kiddos decorate them. They can play on the playground, eat sugar and drink sugar (got koolaid) what could be better. Galileo has another party to go to at 2 pm.

These d*mn cramps better be gone and I better stop bleeding like the proverbial pig. If I go through a super tampon/pad combo as quickly as I have today (2 hours) I'm in big trouble!

Carol Anne

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