Its a Ipanema shoe from Brazil size 7 1/2. I'm a size 10, so its definitely not mine. Just makes me wonder about who wore it and how in the heck it got in our kitchen ceiling!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Looky what we found
Having an old house (1927) can be challenging, but it can also be really fun. We made a bizarre discovery when pulling down the plaster ceiling in the kitchen. No treasure or anything, but just a reminder that we are not the first owners of our house.

Its a Ipanema shoe from Brazil size 7 1/2. I'm a size 10, so its definitely not mine. Just makes me wonder about who wore it and how in the heck it got in our kitchen ceiling!
Its a Ipanema shoe from Brazil size 7 1/2. I'm a size 10, so its definitely not mine. Just makes me wonder about who wore it and how in the heck it got in our kitchen ceiling!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Going through withdrawal
We have been going through some construction that has made it very difficult to use my computer. It will be so worth it though. We live in a small 1920's colonial that is not great for a family in the 21rst century. Our kitchen is very small and when we added the sliding glass door to a deck, it made our eating nook very cramped. Once Little Bit is out of his high chair, we won't be able to eat in the kitchen as a family. That might be ok except that we keep the dining table folded up and pushed to the side to make room for the mini trampoline and Little Bit's pulling up toys.
Anyway, I don't have any before pics handy, but here are some during pics:
The T in the floor used to be a wall. There used to be a small broom closet in front of the lathe beside the slider.
The beam that we had to put in because the wall we removed was load bearing.
Looking from the Bathroom. Dining room door is on the left.
Plastic covers the butler's pantry cabinets.
Anyway, I don't have any before pics handy, but here are some during pics:
Plastic covers the butler's pantry cabinets.
I'm very hopeful that this will expand the floor space of our kitchen enough that we can make do with this house for at least a few more years if not longer.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Happy Birthday Little Bit - Pictures
GRRR! Can't get the pics to post the way I want, but can't take any more time!
So much to say, but too much to do. We had a lovely day yesterday participating in a Miracle Walk for the NICU where Nathaniel spent the first weeks of his life. What a great first birthday party!
Here is my little man a year ago:
Its like a knife in my heart to look at some of these pictures. I'm forming an essay in head about what it is like to be a NICU mom. Even when it has a happy ending like our did, the days I couldn't even touch my baby have left a scar on this mother's soul.
And here are the pictures that bring joy to this mother's heart. I can not believe this little man is the same baby.
We had ice cream cone cupcakes. Our family's tradition is to strip baby down and give them a piece of cake on their first birthday and let them get as messy as possible. Once Little bit figured out what was going on, he really seemed to enjoy it! I think a couple of our friends were appalled at how messy we let him get. I figure I'm the mom of 3 boys, I better get used to mess!
I can't believe I didn't get a good picture of the whole family or of at least the three boys together. Oh well, I have lots of good pictures in my head.
Now, I must go empty the kitchen and the front corner of the living room. The contractor will be here to demo the kitchen wall and build us a coat closet. YAY
So much to say, but too much to do. We had a lovely day yesterday participating in a Miracle Walk for the NICU where Nathaniel spent the first weeks of his life. What a great first birthday party!
Here is my little man a year ago:
Its like a knife in my heart to look at some of these pictures. I'm forming an essay in head about what it is like to be a NICU mom. Even when it has a happy ending like our did, the days I couldn't even touch my baby have left a scar on this mother's soul.
And here are the pictures that bring joy to this mother's heart. I can not believe this little man is the same baby.
I can't believe I didn't get a good picture of the whole family or of at least the three boys together. Oh well, I have lots of good pictures in my head.
Now, I must go empty the kitchen and the front corner of the living room. The contractor will be here to demo the kitchen wall and build us a coat closet. YAY
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Glad its not a year ago
OK, I'm feeling slightly better now. so glad its not a year ago. Even with this killer cramps, I know I don't feel as bad as I did then contracting and on Magnesium and scared out of my mind for my baby. Even though I felt like crap today and Little Bit spent the day screaming (teething?) I know how lucky and blessed I am. I will post then and now birthday pictures tomorrow.
The cupcakes are baked, most of the supplies are packed up. I'm printing pictures to put on the sign. Then its off to bed.
The cupcakes are baked, most of the supplies are packed up. I'm printing pictures to put on the sign. Then its off to bed.
Raging Lunatic!
I wanted to write a whole mushy entry about how glad I am it is not a year ago, how blessed I am, yada, yada, yada. That may be true, but Auntie dear decided to show up on Thursday, the wench! First time since Little Bit was born and she had to chose his birthday weekend. That is what I get for having a child night-wean so soon. I didn't get AF for at least a 2+ years with both of the older boys. GRRRR!
I went to the gyn.on Thursday. My mom missed the funeral of a good friend in order to come down and help me with child care. I'm sitting there on the table in the robe that barely covers me still unfolding the paper drape when doc walks in. She tells me I have to reschedule. GRRRR! At least she did give me a prescription for a pelvic u/s. Of course if a cyst is the issue it will likely leave town with Auntie dear.
Ah well, we are doing the miracle walk tomorrow. I have cupcakes to bake and snacks to pack up. I decided to go simple and just have fruit and cheese and crackers in the park after the walk. Dh thinks I should serve heartier fair, but oh well. I am baking cupcakes in ice cream cones and will let the kiddos decorate them. They can play on the playground, eat sugar and drink sugar (got koolaid) what could be better. Galileo has another party to go to at 2 pm.
These d*mn cramps better be gone and I better stop bleeding like the proverbial pig. If I go through a super tampon/pad combo as quickly as I have today (2 hours) I'm in big trouble!
Carol Anne
I went to the gyn.on Thursday. My mom missed the funeral of a good friend in order to come down and help me with child care. I'm sitting there on the table in the robe that barely covers me still unfolding the paper drape when doc walks in. She tells me I have to reschedule. GRRRR! At least she did give me a prescription for a pelvic u/s. Of course if a cyst is the issue it will likely leave town with Auntie dear.
Ah well, we are doing the miracle walk tomorrow. I have cupcakes to bake and snacks to pack up. I decided to go simple and just have fruit and cheese and crackers in the park after the walk. Dh thinks I should serve heartier fair, but oh well. I am baking cupcakes in ice cream cones and will let the kiddos decorate them. They can play on the playground, eat sugar and drink sugar (got koolaid) what could be better. Galileo has another party to go to at 2 pm.
These d*mn cramps better be gone and I better stop bleeding like the proverbial pig. If I go through a super tampon/pad combo as quickly as I have today (2 hours) I'm in big trouble!
Carol Anne
Thursday, October 04, 2007
TT#2 13 things to tell the doc tomorrow
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Trying to remember all the weird symptoms and other information that I need to tell the doc tomorrow at my annual check. 1) constant pain on left side 2) Pelvic Pain 3) digestive upsets 4) bloating/extreme Gas 5) Latex Allergy 6) painful intercourse 7) gall bladder u/s normal 8) Low Back Pain 9) itching/burning 10) abdominal pain so bad that it hurts to snuggle with 4 year old. 11) nausea 12) Hernia repair 2/07 13) hospitalization for staph infection 3/07 Kind of a long boring (somewhat gross list). But I have waited a few weeks for this appointment and don't want to forget anything. My mom is actually driving down from central NY so that I can go to this apt without kids. DH is even worried Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Just posted this as a comment on another blog. A famous mom blogger who is much more articulate than me is dealing with SID in her son. Reminded me so much of my struggles with my own son that I had to post to her and offer encouragement. I'm kinda proud of my answer, so I decided to share it here.
Hi Tertia,
Just wanted you to know you are not alone with the SID/explosive little boy struggles. It is so challenging and really made me question myself as a mother too. BUT, by joining my son in his struggle, helping him learn coping skills, and encouraging him to do his best, I have helped him become a happy, smart, fairly well adjusted first grader. You and Adam will get there too.
Don't get me wrong, my guy is still a very sensitive and intense little boy and there are some ways that we are just not well matched (providing the structure he needs is very hard for me). Our relationship has been strained at times as I learned to deal with his challenges (a psychologist who specializes in SID helped alot as did OT). BUT I think now he knows that in addition to being his biggest critic, I am his biggest fan. I expect nothing less than his best because I know he can do it, but also know there are times when he is "out of sorts" that it is just too hard. I have learned that he needs strict limits and boundaries and he will push against them as hard as he can to "test" them. BUT he then does better when he knows they will be enforced consistently. I think because he feels so out of control, he needs to know someone is "in control". Could this be part of what adam needs?
As he has learned to use words to express himself things have also gotten much easier. He knows if he tantrums, we may just end up in a stupid power struggle, but if he can use words to tell me the problem (my sneaker is too tight, the sound of the flourescent light is annoying, etc.) then I will work with him to make him more comfortable so he can succeed. He also knows that I will not allow him to stay in a situation where he tantrums no matter how much he may want to stay.
Anyway, didn't mean to write a book, but did want you to know that Adam will not always be this challenging. If you continue to work with him, he will improve. Validate and understand his sensory issues, but don't let him use them as an excuse to be miserable. Help him learn limits, boundaries and coping skills.
I still tend to be over protective of my IVF SID baby. I still swoop in and them realize I should let him fight his own battles. there are days that I still wonder who in the world thought I was the right mother for this kid. Those days are getting less though and the silly, joyful days I dreamed of during those dark days of IF are more plentiful.
Good Luck!"
Hi Tertia,
Just wanted you to know you are not alone with the SID/explosive little boy struggles. It is so challenging and really made me question myself as a mother too. BUT, by joining my son in his struggle, helping him learn coping skills, and encouraging him to do his best, I have helped him become a happy, smart, fairly well adjusted first grader. You and Adam will get there too.
Don't get me wrong, my guy is still a very sensitive and intense little boy and there are some ways that we are just not well matched (providing the structure he needs is very hard for me). Our relationship has been strained at times as I learned to deal with his challenges (a psychologist who specializes in SID helped alot as did OT). BUT I think now he knows that in addition to being his biggest critic, I am his biggest fan. I expect nothing less than his best because I know he can do it, but also know there are times when he is "out of sorts" that it is just too hard. I have learned that he needs strict limits and boundaries and he will push against them as hard as he can to "test" them. BUT he then does better when he knows they will be enforced consistently. I think because he feels so out of control, he needs to know someone is "in control". Could this be part of what adam needs?
As he has learned to use words to express himself things have also gotten much easier. He knows if he tantrums, we may just end up in a stupid power struggle, but if he can use words to tell me the problem (my sneaker is too tight, the sound of the flourescent light is annoying, etc.) then I will work with him to make him more comfortable so he can succeed. He also knows that I will not allow him to stay in a situation where he tantrums no matter how much he may want to stay.
Anyway, didn't mean to write a book, but did want you to know that Adam will not always be this challenging. If you continue to work with him, he will improve. Validate and understand his sensory issues, but don't let him use them as an excuse to be miserable. Help him learn limits, boundaries and coping skills.
I still tend to be over protective of my IVF SID baby. I still swoop in and them realize I should let him fight his own battles. there are days that I still wonder who in the world thought I was the right mother for this kid. Those days are getting less though and the silly, joyful days I dreamed of during those dark days of IF are more plentiful.
Good Luck!"
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Oh, I'm in Trouble!
Was working on some stuff on the computer for the Miracle Walk on Sunday.
Turned around and saw Little Bit peering at me from over the back of the Love seat! What???!!! He is on the furniture???!!! How did that happen?

Assumed Maestro put him there. Nope. He had taken the cushions off which is what made it possible for Little BIt to get up there.

As scary as the possibility of him falling over backwards onto the floor and clunking his head, was seeing something brownish purplish peeking out of his mouth. Swept it out. Maestro informed me it was a crunchberry. OOOO ick! He was eating old cereal from under the cushions!
Of course I left him there while I took pictures. :) As I was taking them, I realized there was more in his mouth. Swept out 2 more crunchberries.
I need to go vacum the furniture!
Turned around and saw Little Bit peering at me from over the back of the Love seat! What???!!! He is on the furniture???!!! How did that happen?

Assumed Maestro put him there. Nope. He had taken the cushions off which is what made it possible for Little BIt to get up there.

As scary as the possibility of him falling over backwards onto the floor and clunking his head, was seeing something brownish purplish peeking out of his mouth. Swept it out. Maestro informed me it was a crunchberry. OOOO ick! He was eating old cereal from under the cushions!
Of course I left him there while I took pictures. :) As I was taking them, I realized there was more in his mouth. Swept out 2 more crunchberries.
I need to go vacum the furniture!
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