Sunday, March 30, 2008

Well THAT was embarrassing

My car was a complete pit. Seriously, it needed to be condemned. I drove 3 other kids to preschool last week and was mortified. Tried really hard to grab them at the door and buckle them all in so the mom's wouldn't smell the fetid filth their children would be riding in to and from school.

So, I emptied it out today and had Craig take out the bucket seats in the middle row. I stopped at the car wash where they vacum the whole thing. Plus they wipe all down inside and out. Not a full detailing, but a lot more than my car has gotten all winter.

I wandered over to the vacum station thinking the guy must be finished. Just as I arrived, he moved from one side of the car to another. As he climbed in, I hear him exclaim "GOD DAMN! every time I think I'm done I find more SHIT!" I wanted to sink in a hole. It will probably be a long time before I go back to that car wash again! lol.


Robin said...

Sadly, my car could probably give yours a run for the money. I keep swearing I'm going to bring it in, but then a kid is sick, or it's a dust storm, or it drizzles (like yesterday - I now have brown spots all over the car), or...

My parents arrive on Monday. I WILL get it washed before then!!

Carol Anne said...

LOL, Robin My mom is coming to visit at the end of the month and I keep saying "I will have my house clean, I will have the laundry done, I will have my house clean, I will have the laundry done".