Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gotta Get Cooking!

Just found out my In-Laws are coming for Thanksgiving. We hosted them last year and I had a preemie that I was still pumping for and feeding round the clock, so how bad could this be? I just have to get the kitchen back into a reasonable state that I can cook some today and get the house remotely organized.

MIL was here helping February after my hernia operation and was appalled at the state of my house and the state of my laundry. In the mean time, she was exhausted by running the big boys. My mom did all the baby care and all the cooking. She is just clueless and I have to not get stressed by it. I just have to keep telling myself if my men have a good holiday then that is all that matters. Having Nana and Pop Pop here will make it more fun for the boys, so they will be here.

Does add a level of stress though in that I now have to give a time when dinner will be served and I can't just throw a turkey and some stove top stuffing on the table and call it a day ;)

Here is the menu:

(I'm considering brining it. Craig thinks its not worth the effort)

Homemade cranberry sauce
(and will ask MIL to bring the canned crap since they (and ds) like it)

Mashed potatoes and Gravy
(bought the jarred stuff just in case. Last year's gravy was a disaster)

Sweet Potatoe Casserole with yummy pecan topping and marshmallows
(oh crap I forgot the marshmallows!)

Curry Cornbread stuffing
(although I still may also resort to stove top since Galileo doesn't liek curry)

Corn Broccoli Casserole

Spinach Cream Cheese Casserole

Green Beans

Homemade Pumpkin Pie
(experimenting with fresh pumpkin yes I'm insane)

Pecan Pie (because its the only pie I really like)

Hmm, just realized there is no salad may ask MIL to bring one.

OK, I have 2 hours and 15 minutes until I have to go pick up Maestro and one of his classmates. 90 minutes later, I pick up Galileo and we go somewhere fun with his best friend, E, E's sister and mom.

I'm also hoping to get a "thanful tree" painted (or outlined for them to paint) so they can add leaves as a craft activity tomorrow to keep them excited.

So, as Maestro would say:


edited to add " ugh! the contractor just showed up" Luckily he has agreed to work on the coat closet in the living room.

1 comment:

Robin said...

That does sound stressful, but I'm sure you'll somehow manage to pull it all together. I can't believe your in-laws are coming when you don't even have a functional kitchen. That takes a special bit of gall... Oh, and forget the marshmallows, I like it better without :).