Here is our tree of thanks Not very pretty, but a great excercise for the boys. Galileo really got into it! I hope to post a pic with both of them later as well as a list of what the leaves said. for now. I need to run to the local toy store for a couple of Christmas presents. They are offering 10% of today's sales to my son's preschool.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tree Of Thanks - Better Late than Never
Here is our tree of thanks Not very pretty, but a great excercise for the boys. Galileo really got into it! I hope to post a pic with both of them later as well as a list of what the leaves said. for now. I need to run to the local toy store for a couple of Christmas presents. They are offering 10% of today's sales to my son's preschool.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
It was a Happy Happy Day
I'm happy to say Thanksgiving went very well.
I cooked while Maestro was in preschool the day before. After I picked him up, I brought him home for lunch, peeled some sweet potatoes and then went to get Galileo. We all four went to Chuck E. Cheese where we met with Jonathan's best friend and his mom and sister. D. is becoming a good friend of mine so, it was a good time for all of us. We were there for hours and hours and hours. When we got home at 6:30, we found Craig had left for the office. He was suddenly having issues signing in to work from his laptop and wanted to get it to the tech people so they could fix it on Friday. I had a heart stopping moment when he told me he couldn't log in to the network. His company has been hit hard by the mortgage crisis and has been going through many lay offs. I was afraid his inability to log in meant he had been laid off. Luckily, I panicked for nothing. He was actually able to get his lap top working himself by loggin in at the office, so I guess it was good he went in to work.
I quickly fed the boys dinner and bundled them upstairs. I let them watch TV in my room until Craig came home. Thank Goodness for PBS kids on Cable. I was exhausted and my arthritis was acting up after hours on my feet holding Little Bit and chasing the big boys. I knew I should go downstairs and cook/prep some more, but I just couldn't. I took an ambien and went to sleep. Best move I could have made.
Thanksgiving morning I was up bright and early and cooked the rest of the day. when the big boys woke up, I did take a break to get them started on our "Tree of Thanks". We mixed brown paint, painted a big tree and then they cut out leaves and wrote what they were thankful for on them. I will take a pic later and post all the things they said. Some of them really warmed my heart.
Nana & Pop Pop showed up about 2 hours after the turkey was done. It was still a last minute scramble to get everything else done, but it all worked out. The gravy was gross, the potatoes were only OK and the pie crust was soggy. I was proud of myself though because I didn't stress out, I didn't get mad at Craig or yell at the kids. I didn't try to make it perfect and it was good enough. Most importantly my boys had a good day.
The next day I woke up with no voice and Little Bit's cold.
Today, we are heading to Craig's parents. His highschool reunion is tonight and Nana & Pop Pop are taking the kids. Of course we haven't packed and are running really late ( I had hoped to be there by now), but I did find a dress to wear in the attic and so we are off again.
such a dry boring post. I really must learn to do short posts more often.
I cooked while Maestro was in preschool the day before. After I picked him up, I brought him home for lunch, peeled some sweet potatoes and then went to get Galileo. We all four went to Chuck E. Cheese where we met with Jonathan's best friend and his mom and sister. D. is becoming a good friend of mine so, it was a good time for all of us. We were there for hours and hours and hours. When we got home at 6:30, we found Craig had left for the office. He was suddenly having issues signing in to work from his laptop and wanted to get it to the tech people so they could fix it on Friday. I had a heart stopping moment when he told me he couldn't log in to the network. His company has been hit hard by the mortgage crisis and has been going through many lay offs. I was afraid his inability to log in meant he had been laid off. Luckily, I panicked for nothing. He was actually able to get his lap top working himself by loggin in at the office, so I guess it was good he went in to work.
I quickly fed the boys dinner and bundled them upstairs. I let them watch TV in my room until Craig came home. Thank Goodness for PBS kids on Cable. I was exhausted and my arthritis was acting up after hours on my feet holding Little Bit and chasing the big boys. I knew I should go downstairs and cook/prep some more, but I just couldn't. I took an ambien and went to sleep. Best move I could have made.
Thanksgiving morning I was up bright and early and cooked the rest of the day. when the big boys woke up, I did take a break to get them started on our "Tree of Thanks". We mixed brown paint, painted a big tree and then they cut out leaves and wrote what they were thankful for on them. I will take a pic later and post all the things they said. Some of them really warmed my heart.
Nana & Pop Pop showed up about 2 hours after the turkey was done. It was still a last minute scramble to get everything else done, but it all worked out. The gravy was gross, the potatoes were only OK and the pie crust was soggy. I was proud of myself though because I didn't stress out, I didn't get mad at Craig or yell at the kids. I didn't try to make it perfect and it was good enough. Most importantly my boys had a good day.
The next day I woke up with no voice and Little Bit's cold.
Today, we are heading to Craig's parents. His highschool reunion is tonight and Nana & Pop Pop are taking the kids. Of course we haven't packed and are running really late ( I had hoped to be there by now), but I did find a dress to wear in the attic and so we are off again.
such a dry boring post. I really must learn to do short posts more often.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Gotta Get Cooking!
Just found out my In-Laws are coming for Thanksgiving. We hosted them last year and I had a preemie that I was still pumping for and feeding round the clock, so how bad could this be? I just have to get the kitchen back into a reasonable state that I can cook some today and get the house remotely organized.
MIL was here helping February after my hernia operation and was appalled at the state of my house and the state of my laundry. In the mean time, she was exhausted by running the big boys. My mom did all the baby care and all the cooking. She is just clueless and I have to not get stressed by it. I just have to keep telling myself if my men have a good holiday then that is all that matters. Having Nana and Pop Pop here will make it more fun for the boys, so they will be here.
Does add a level of stress though in that I now have to give a time when dinner will be served and I can't just throw a turkey and some stove top stuffing on the table and call it a day ;)
Here is the menu:
(I'm considering brining it. Craig thinks its not worth the effort)
Homemade cranberry sauce
(and will ask MIL to bring the canned crap since they (and ds) like it)
Mashed potatoes and Gravy
(bought the jarred stuff just in case. Last year's gravy was a disaster)
Sweet Potatoe Casserole with yummy pecan topping and marshmallows
(oh crap I forgot the marshmallows!)
Curry Cornbread stuffing
(although I still may also resort to stove top since Galileo doesn't liek curry)
Corn Broccoli Casserole
Spinach Cream Cheese Casserole
Green Beans
Homemade Pumpkin Pie
(experimenting with fresh pumpkin yes I'm insane)
Pecan Pie (because its the only pie I really like)
Hmm, just realized there is no salad may ask MIL to bring one.
OK, I have 2 hours and 15 minutes until I have to go pick up Maestro and one of his classmates. 90 minutes later, I pick up Galileo and we go somewhere fun with his best friend, E, E's sister and mom.
I'm also hoping to get a "thanful tree" painted (or outlined for them to paint) so they can add leaves as a craft activity tomorrow to keep them excited.
So, as Maestro would say:
edited to add " ugh! the contractor just showed up" Luckily he has agreed to work on the coat closet in the living room.
MIL was here helping February after my hernia operation and was appalled at the state of my house and the state of my laundry. In the mean time, she was exhausted by running the big boys. My mom did all the baby care and all the cooking. She is just clueless and I have to not get stressed by it. I just have to keep telling myself if my men have a good holiday then that is all that matters. Having Nana and Pop Pop here will make it more fun for the boys, so they will be here.
Does add a level of stress though in that I now have to give a time when dinner will be served and I can't just throw a turkey and some stove top stuffing on the table and call it a day ;)
Here is the menu:
(I'm considering brining it. Craig thinks its not worth the effort)
Homemade cranberry sauce
(and will ask MIL to bring the canned crap since they (and ds) like it)
Mashed potatoes and Gravy
(bought the jarred stuff just in case. Last year's gravy was a disaster)
Sweet Potatoe Casserole with yummy pecan topping and marshmallows
(oh crap I forgot the marshmallows!)
Curry Cornbread stuffing
(although I still may also resort to stove top since Galileo doesn't liek curry)
Corn Broccoli Casserole
Spinach Cream Cheese Casserole
Green Beans
Homemade Pumpkin Pie
(experimenting with fresh pumpkin yes I'm insane)
Pecan Pie (because its the only pie I really like)
Hmm, just realized there is no salad may ask MIL to bring one.
OK, I have 2 hours and 15 minutes until I have to go pick up Maestro and one of his classmates. 90 minutes later, I pick up Galileo and we go somewhere fun with his best friend, E, E's sister and mom.
I'm also hoping to get a "thanful tree" painted (or outlined for them to paint) so they can add leaves as a craft activity tomorrow to keep them excited.
So, as Maestro would say:
edited to add " ugh! the contractor just showed up" Luckily he has agreed to work on the coat closet in the living room.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Snow Delay
woke this morning to a beautiful blanket of white and green/brown. Galileo insisted on making a snowman, um snow lump, on the deck before school. I was excited to see snow since I am an upstate NY girl at heart and it just doesn't snow enough in Jersey for me. BUT there was a snow delay which bummed me out. No, not a school delay, a delay in construction. Rob only has a little of finishing work to do. Moulding, hanging the closet door, putting up the rod etc. BUT he has to set up his saws etc on the deck and can't do that in the snow.
I wanted to put my kitchen back together tonight and start cooking tomorrow. sigh.....
I just keep telling myself we don't have any guests coming and if all we end up with is Turkey and stuffing from a box it will be ok!
In the whole scheme of things life is ok.
I wanted to put my kitchen back together tonight and start cooking tomorrow. sigh.....
I just keep telling myself we don't have any guests coming and if all we end up with is Turkey and stuffing from a box it will be ok!
In the whole scheme of things life is ok.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sick Baby
Little Bit has a cold but is acting much sicker than usual. His fever has risen from 100.0 to 102.6 in 90 minutes. He is lethargic and soooooo fussy. Poor little man. He also has a pimple on his cheek which has Dad a bit freaked out because of all the MRSA scares. So, I'm taking him to the pedi. I'm sure they will tell me its all nothing, but I guess its better to make sure. Its pouring rain and cold and I hated having to take him out in the rain to take his bro's to school. I guess thats the price to pay for having older brothers who adore and entertain you.
Its going to be an interesting afternoon/evening. I wanted to take a meal to a friend who is going through a rough time and now I don't even know if I will be able to feed my own family. I can't put LB down. Typing one handed and peeing with a baby in my arms seem to be what my life is reduced to today.
Its going to be an interesting afternoon/evening. I wanted to take a meal to a friend who is going through a rough time and now I don't even know if I will be able to feed my own family. I can't put LB down. Typing one handed and peeing with a baby in my arms seem to be what my life is reduced to today.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Such a Bad Blogger
Things are so chaotic around here that I just haven't felt centered enough to post. That probably means that is when I need to post the most!
Of course some of what I need to vent about regards a relationship with another, and I dont' really think it is fair or respectful to air that here. I'm having a hard time being cheerful and light while feeling sad and angry and yet can't post about what is going on to make me feel that way. Don't want to be a shallow blogger and so I don't blog at all.
I admire my friend Randi who can blog about her life warmly and articulately. She reveals herself and her life in a confident inspiring way even when things are going horribly for her. ANd she doesn't make anyone else or herself look bad in the process. Its an art and a gift.
Anyway! we spent a long weekend at my mothers. The last day and a half were really good. Before that I was a stress puppy, exhausted, annoyed by my brother, annoying to my mother and on eggs that my kids were going to get yelled at by one of them for just being kids. Result was that I was lunatic mom and yelled at them much more than necessary.
We did have one beautiful afternoon when I walked them up to the playground on my mom's road. It is ancient and doesn't have much equipment, but they love it. Galileo when exploring and founds some trails through a field behind the playground so we went it cxploring. We collected milkweed pods for making into Christmas ornaments, and other seed pods for one of Galileo's extra credit projects for school. I also found sumac and elderberries and some weeds that I remember from my childhood and was able to teach the boys about them. I never realized just how different the flor in NJ is from that of central NY. I wonder if that is the minor difference in climate or if it a rural vs. suburban difference.
Ah well, need to go pick up maestro from a playdate and Galileo from school. I picked up a new art project to do while at IKEA. They are similar to the recalled aquadots, but they have to be ironed to get them to melt together. I think the boys want to do this after G's homework is done.
Of course some of what I need to vent about regards a relationship with another, and I dont' really think it is fair or respectful to air that here. I'm having a hard time being cheerful and light while feeling sad and angry and yet can't post about what is going on to make me feel that way. Don't want to be a shallow blogger and so I don't blog at all.
I admire my friend Randi who can blog about her life warmly and articulately. She reveals herself and her life in a confident inspiring way even when things are going horribly for her. ANd she doesn't make anyone else or herself look bad in the process. Its an art and a gift.
Anyway! we spent a long weekend at my mothers. The last day and a half were really good. Before that I was a stress puppy, exhausted, annoyed by my brother, annoying to my mother and on eggs that my kids were going to get yelled at by one of them for just being kids. Result was that I was lunatic mom and yelled at them much more than necessary.
We did have one beautiful afternoon when I walked them up to the playground on my mom's road. It is ancient and doesn't have much equipment, but they love it. Galileo when exploring and founds some trails through a field behind the playground so we went it cxploring. We collected milkweed pods for making into Christmas ornaments, and other seed pods for one of Galileo's extra credit projects for school. I also found sumac and elderberries and some weeds that I remember from my childhood and was able to teach the boys about them. I never realized just how different the flor in NJ is from that of central NY. I wonder if that is the minor difference in climate or if it a rural vs. suburban difference.
Ah well, need to go pick up maestro from a playdate and Galileo from school. I picked up a new art project to do while at IKEA. They are similar to the recalled aquadots, but they have to be ironed to get them to melt together. I think the boys want to do this after G's homework is done.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Painting is 1/2 way there
This is just the primer, but it is the same color as the paint. Benjamin Moore "Homestead Green" Hard to get a good picture facing the slider, but it gives you an idea. We haven't redone the cabinets to the right in what used to be the Butler's Pantry yet. We will do those after the holidays.

The Brown on the floor is where the old wall came out. There was also a broom closet there. It is amazing how much this opens up the kitchen! Now I can't wait for the new floor.
The Paint matches the counters and backsplash a little more than intended. Oh well...

Maestro couldn't wait to get in on the painting action. Not sure what that expression is about. Maybe he was perturbed at me ruining his rythym?
Here is a sample of the new floor that is going in this week. Hopefully it all looks good together. I'm so bad at this decorating stuff!
The Brown on the floor is where the old wall came out. There was also a broom closet there. It is amazing how much this opens up the kitchen! Now I can't wait for the new floor.
The Paint matches the counters and backsplash a little more than intended. Oh well...
Maestro couldn't wait to get in on the painting action. Not sure what that expression is about. Maybe he was perturbed at me ruining his rythym?
Here is a sample of the new floor that is going in this week. Hopefully it all looks good together. I'm so bad at this decorating stuff!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Halloween Pics
Friday, November 02, 2007
Feeling Spoiled and Decadent
A mom of a classmate of Matthew's just picked he and Jonathan both up to drive them to school. I drove her daughter yesterday and so she said she would drive both of mine today. She also said, "that way you can stay in your pajamas". I NEVER come downstairs without clothes on, unless I'm in search of clean jeans to immediately put on my body.
Well, I took her advice and she was right. I had to search for a robe and slipper socks since my pj's consist of an overly big tshirt. I finally found and snuggled into a big fluffy robe that mom got me last year for the hospital. It was way to warm at the time for my hormonally charged body but it was perfect for sitting on the front porch in the chilly fall morning waiting for Alyssa to arrive.
After the boys left, I got a glass of juice and then nursed Nathaniel. He actually fell asleep in my arms which never happens these days. I took him up to my bed and curled up next to him for a wonderful hour long snoozefest. He NEVER sleeps next to me, so this was really special.
I'm getting sick and have the cold sore from hell, so this sleep was precious.
Now, I'm up, showered. Matthew is home, he and Nathaniel is fed, so I think we will go visiting. Thanks to Alyssa and to all the Mom's who take care of other Mom's. I'll give some good mom Karma back tot he world soon.
Just got back from visiting. Renee gave me quiche, coffee and inspiration. I will make my home a calm oasis for my family and friends like she has!
Well, I took her advice and she was right. I had to search for a robe and slipper socks since my pj's consist of an overly big tshirt. I finally found and snuggled into a big fluffy robe that mom got me last year for the hospital. It was way to warm at the time for my hormonally charged body but it was perfect for sitting on the front porch in the chilly fall morning waiting for Alyssa to arrive.
After the boys left, I got a glass of juice and then nursed Nathaniel. He actually fell asleep in my arms which never happens these days. I took him up to my bed and curled up next to him for a wonderful hour long snoozefest. He NEVER sleeps next to me, so this was really special.
I'm getting sick and have the cold sore from hell, so this sleep was precious.
Now, I'm up, showered. Matthew is home, he and Nathaniel is fed, so I think we will go visiting. Thanks to Alyssa and to all the Mom's who take care of other Mom's. I'll give some good mom Karma back tot he world soon.
Just got back from visiting. Renee gave me quiche, coffee and inspiration. I will make my home a calm oasis for my family and friends like she has!
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