In years past, I would have been stressed for days, refused all invites and yet still floundered around and been late getting out. I decided that was no longer the way I would operate. So, yesterday we took the boys to a huge park in Montville that they love and then attended a BBQ at the home of one of Craig's fraternity brothers. We had a great time and saw someone from the neighborhood who I know in passing thanks to Mothers & More. I met her husband who I really enjoyed and plan to have them over for dinner sometime soon. They and another couple like to go camping, so I may also suggest a joint camping trip some weekend this fall. We stayed late had a blast and I gave almost no thought to packing.
I did miss another family who we expected to see there, but figured it gave me a good excuse to call them. Got up today and headed off to Costco and Target for supplies for our trip. When we got in the car for the trip home I realized Craig had called my cell phone several times. I hadn't heard it. HATE it when he does that to me, but he took it in stride. He informed me that the family we missed yesterday was at our house. They had thought the BBQ was today and headed up this way before they realized their mistake. When it started raining, L called us to find out if we were still going over. Craig said, "it was a great party. it was yesterday. Why don't you come here". I'm so proud of him, he put out snacks, got beverages, found toys for their boys to play with and called me.
As soon as I found out, we rushed straight home. When I arrived, E helped Craig unload the van and L folded laundry while I nursed Little Bit. We were trying to figure out what to do for dinner. L insisted we not cook for them since we are leaving on vacation tomorrow. Brilliant idea popped into my head. Last winter I had tried to take them to a hibachi/sushi restaurant near us while we left the boys home with a babysitter but the timing didn't work. I debated calling a babysitter last minute tonigh, and then decided to take the boys too.
It was awesome! Our boys tend to rev each other up, but except for a few moments of chaos, they behaved very well. Even Little Bit did well after I fed him.
The chef was very entertaining, the company was good and the food was great! The boys especially loved the flaming volcano.

Our boys always get along very well together, which makes it even more fun for the grown ups. I let them all play with my camera at one point when we needed them to be entertained for a few more minutes. Galileo organized the other three for this pic. It was a precious process that I only wish I had on video.

Now, I must update quicken and make sure just how much money we can spend of vacation. Then, I will finish with Mt. Foldmore and start packing. :)
What a great way to start vacation tonight was!
Hey, I know those kids!
I'm so glad to see things looking brighter for you Carol. Your weekend sounds just perfect, and here's to a terrific camping trip.
There you go!!!! Sounds like a fabulous day. I look forward to visiting with you when you return from the wild. Randi : )
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