Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dancin' Fool

When Little Bit was learning to walk, we called him a "walkin' fool". Now he has a new nickname to add. We went to an event on our town hall's lawn that had a band. Took him a while to warm up, but then Little Bit really got into the groove.

In case you don't recognize it, thats Elmo's "Turn Around and Fall Down Dance" Oh, and the crazy feet in the sandals in the back belong to big brother.

I knew it had been a long time...

but I didn't realize how long. Its been a busy couple of months. There is definitely less time for blogging with all three boys home. Galileo did robotics camp and Maestro did gymnastics camp for two weeks. The first week I was able to car pool. The second week I was on my own. One day (most days actually) Little Bit and I spent 3 hours in the car shuttling.

Now were are in the mode of 3 day/week swim lessons, staying at the pool, fighting, TV, fighting computer, reading, fighting, playing in the yard, fighting. You get the picture.

I must say the slip n slide and Cranium's Mega Fort have been awesome today. The mega fort has encouraged more cooperative and pretend play than I have seen all summer. I have been feeling guilty that we haven't gone on more outings, but today when asked what they wanted to do the kids chose, slip n slide, fort and pool. Good for us parental units as I have tons to do in the house and Daddy is bone tired. He is napping the afternoon away. When the sun goes down a little bit more, I'm going to wake him so we can head to the pool. The boys and I are all getting way too much sun this summer no matter how much sun screen I apply.

I have also been dealing with some health problems the last few months. This has made it very hard to do more than just "survive". A lot of nights, I don't even cook dinner, when Craig gets home, I head upstairs and collapse. This leaves the poor man who has worked all day, commuted an hour plus in the heat to then come home feed children and get them to bed. He has been a trooper though. I hope to be on the mend soon and am all ready doing better. I just have to rest, eat well, stay hydrated and remember to take my meds. Those are always good things to do.

Anyway, I am sure I need to fold something, clean something or feed someone.