What a lovely day we had. Finally we got a snow day. I didn't get out when the big fluffy flakes were still coming down, but I did manage a few pics.
Baby let me sleep in a little later than normal. The big boys played Bionicles really nicely together and shared my computer with no fights. I took Little Bit upstairs for a nap, but ended up playing with him for hours. He was obsessed with one of the Hess Trucks. Putting its motorcycles in and out and in and out forever. We watched the rest of American Idol that I had recorded and then headed downstairs for lunch. After lunch Craig told the Big Boys to get dressed and he would take them sledding. Galileo took forever, but managed to get all his snow gear on with no issues or tantrums. He actually let me help him get things just right. Maestro had been outside shoveling all ready for the longest time. I swear I love that 4 year old and his attitude. I went out and helped uncover the car while Craig and the boys did our walks and those of several neighbors. (Little Bit was finally napping). My cough started up again and got so bad that Craig offered to get my rescue inhaler. When he gets concerned I know its time to hang it up. I went inside for a wonderful hot coffee with cocoa while he took the boys to the school sledding.
While they were gone, I baked bread and called his mom. She reached out yesterday with a call to Craig saying she missed us and felt distant from us. We have had our challenges in our relationship that I would like to try to mend. She is my children's Grandmother after all and I would like them to have a good relationship with her. We had a nice long chat and I'm hopeful things will improve. I have to remember to continue to reach out. I need to be true to myself and respectful of her and hopefully things will mend.
Anyway, the boys were gone for hours. I figured Craig must be an icicle since he didn't have snow pants and all the gear the boys did. So, after LB woke up, ate, played etc. I finally cleared the car and drove over to get them. We ran an errand to get more baking supplies and then came home for dinner and hot chocolate. The bread wasn't ready for dinner like I had hoped, so we had it afterwards. When I pulled it out of the oven everyone came to check it out. Galileo actually high fived me and said "Great Job, Mom!" woo hoo! Later while eating it he said it was the best bread he ever tasted in his whole life! High praise indeed. I have never baked bread before, but the kitchen aid mixer I got for Christmas made it easy. So easy in fact that I then whipped up a batch of cookies.

Thanks Mom!
(she gave me the mixer)
Craig and the boys started watching Star Wars while I was baking and I joined them after all was finished and cleaned up. Maestro has been playing star wars in school with one of his friends "who knows all about the movies and is teaching me". So he and I bought the first 3 movies while we were out yesterday (thank goodness Craig's bonus finally came). I thought 4 was a little young when Galileo's friends were all into Star Wars and wouldn't let him watch it. Maestro is a different kid though and did fine. He cuddled with me, clutched his toy light saber and made big claims about beating Darth Vader. Afterward he admitted he was a little scared and a little bored. We had such a nice night. I'm really glad the cub scout Blue and Gold Banquet was postponed.
Now, to sample a cookie and head to bed. I need to let Craig sleep in tomorrow and I have to beat this darn infection.