#%@#%&% Christmas Cards!!!
I can't get my printer to print the envelopes for our Christmas cards without jamming! I know I am very late sending them, I dont' have time for this. Actually thought about not sending any this year, but got some really sweet ones that I just had to respond to. No time for a christmas letter or anything. I hate the generic no message card, but thats what I'm sending this year.
Have to finish cleaning for my friend, her partner and their new baby to visit this evening. Thank goodness I still had some soup and corn bread in the freezer that a friend made us when Little Bit arrived. I have that in the crock pot and hope it will make a good dinner.
Now, to scrub the toilet and mop the floor because the cleaning lady didn't show on Friday. She better come this week (craig talked to her and she said she will) or I will have to be committed!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Christmas To Do's
I'm freaking myself out with this list. Hopefully it will help me stay focused and organized instead of spinning my wheels. I set the bar a little too high last Christmas with all the things I had the boys make. Getting a late start this year. sigh.....
Christmas Cards
Dining Room
Living Room
Gifts to Teachers
Gifts to Family
Sugar Cookies
Peanut Brittle
Ghiardelli Cookies
Plan Meals - to go in separate doc
I'm freaking myself out with this list. Hopefully it will help me stay focused and organized instead of spinning my wheels. I set the bar a little too high last Christmas with all the things I had the boys make. Getting a late start this year. sigh.....
Christmas Cards
- Download Pictures
- choose picture
- edit pic if necessary
- create card - costco?
- order card
- pick up card
- address envelopes
- stamp
- Mail
Dining Room
- Clear Table
- Build File cabinet table - Craig
- Clear top of Armoire - Carol
- Move Printer - craig
- wash valances
- Empty boxes
- move buffet?
- empty file cabinets?
- move file cabinets?
- keyboard - move?
Living Room
- decorate mantel
- decide final furniture configuration
- empty "toy" bench
- back packs in toy bench
- boxes for mittens/hats in toy bench?
- borrow coat tree?
Gifts to Teachers
- What boys give to teachers?
- Purchase supplies for gift to teachers
- make gifts to teachers
- package/wrap gifts to teachers
- Card for Miss P?
Gifts to Family
- Boys to make gifts to family?
- Decide on gift for Gwen
- Wrap Gifts to Debbie, Dan, Dale, Mandy
- Wrap Gifts to Boys
Sugar Cookies
- check for ingredients
- purchase ingredients
- mix dough
- cut out and bake
- frost
Peanut Brittle
- find recipe
- purchase peanuts
- purchase other ingredients if needed
- find thermometer
- make candy
- break and box candy to give to teachers
Ghiardelli Cookies
- check for additional ingredients
- bake
Plan Meals - to go in separate doc
- Shop for meals and begin prep by end of week
Thursday, December 14, 2006
New Friend
A neighbor a few houses away has a son Maestro's age. She used to work and has an older son, so we had a hard time spending time together. Now she is not work and our older kids are in school. Maestro and P play fairly well together and R. and I really enjoy each other's company. Today I actually invited her in for coffee. It felt so grown up. We've only lived her 7 years and I finally had a neighbor in for coffee.
A neighbor a few houses away has a son Maestro's age. She used to work and has an older son, so we had a hard time spending time together. Now she is not work and our older kids are in school. Maestro and P play fairly well together and R. and I really enjoy each other's company. Today I actually invited her in for coffee. It felt so grown up. We've only lived her 7 years and I finally had a neighbor in for coffee.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Rough Day
This is one of the days I dreaded when thinking of having a 3rd. Very tired and drained today. Long trip to Grocery store pushing cart full of groceries and pulling along a cart full of car seat yesterday was a killer on my back. Then baby had a rough night. I had things to do though, so I motored through it. I think I scared dh. I was so hungry and desperately searching the fridge for mayo so I could make lunch before Little Bit cried AGAIN! As I was looking, the bag of meat that still needed to be put away got jostled and blood ran out of the bag into the cheese drawer! It was so gross and cleaning it was so NOT what I wanted to be doing then. Only good thing is that in the process of cleaning it up, all the meat got put away and that was one chore I could stop thinking about.
I was hobbling around muttering and cursing and nearly in tears at one point. When I got out my chef's knife to prepare dinner he looked ready to run for the hills!
One good thing was the pedi apt. today. Dr. Charlie lifted the isolation restriction. Acted a little like it was strange I was asking about it. He was off his game though today I think. Told me I should go off dairy to help the reflux and yet wanted him to stay on Neosure mixed with breast milk until he was 8 lbs. HUH? Neosure is a dairy formula. Plus I told him he is finally nursing. Not sure how I am supposed to open my breast and pour in the powder before feeding.
Later, when Little Bit needed to nurse the millionth time when I was trying to get something done, I gave up. He keeps nursing for 5-10 minutes, falling asleep and then wakes up 20 minutes later wanting to eat again. I couldn't take it anymore. I finally grabbed the bottle of premixed Neosure that we had gotten from the NICU and put it in a bottle. I didn't even want to take the time to thaw breast milk. I just wanted to feed him and get him settled all ready. I hope that doesn't make me a bad. mom. Anyway, unlike the time I tried to give him powdered formula, he drank this right down. Then he slept for 2+ hours right during the homework, cook dinner, 3 year old melt down over "NO TV" hour. It was almost heavenly. Made me want to quit nursing and just do formula.
Me of all people. Looking forward to nursing was one of the things that sustained me through my pregnancy. I'm sure we'll get through it, but I will have a bottle in a cooler next to the bed tonight. If he starts the nursing every 20 minute thing, I am giving him a bottle. Hopefully we will both get some good sleep tonight. I need it if I will survive until Christmas.
On a positive note, a mom from Maestro's class brought me Irish Soda Bread. I had a slice for Breakfast after Little Bit's apt. It was so yummy! I think I will end my day with a piece of it too. Best part is she agreed to share the recipe. It is honestly the best Irish Soda Bread I have had.
This is one of the days I dreaded when thinking of having a 3rd. Very tired and drained today. Long trip to Grocery store pushing cart full of groceries and pulling along a cart full of car seat yesterday was a killer on my back. Then baby had a rough night. I had things to do though, so I motored through it. I think I scared dh. I was so hungry and desperately searching the fridge for mayo so I could make lunch before Little Bit cried AGAIN! As I was looking, the bag of meat that still needed to be put away got jostled and blood ran out of the bag into the cheese drawer! It was so gross and cleaning it was so NOT what I wanted to be doing then. Only good thing is that in the process of cleaning it up, all the meat got put away and that was one chore I could stop thinking about.
I was hobbling around muttering and cursing and nearly in tears at one point. When I got out my chef's knife to prepare dinner he looked ready to run for the hills!
One good thing was the pedi apt. today. Dr. Charlie lifted the isolation restriction. Acted a little like it was strange I was asking about it. He was off his game though today I think. Told me I should go off dairy to help the reflux and yet wanted him to stay on Neosure mixed with breast milk until he was 8 lbs. HUH? Neosure is a dairy formula. Plus I told him he is finally nursing. Not sure how I am supposed to open my breast and pour in the powder before feeding.
Later, when Little Bit needed to nurse the millionth time when I was trying to get something done, I gave up. He keeps nursing for 5-10 minutes, falling asleep and then wakes up 20 minutes later wanting to eat again. I couldn't take it anymore. I finally grabbed the bottle of premixed Neosure that we had gotten from the NICU and put it in a bottle. I didn't even want to take the time to thaw breast milk. I just wanted to feed him and get him settled all ready. I hope that doesn't make me a bad. mom. Anyway, unlike the time I tried to give him powdered formula, he drank this right down. Then he slept for 2+ hours right during the homework, cook dinner, 3 year old melt down over "NO TV" hour. It was almost heavenly. Made me want to quit nursing and just do formula.
Me of all people. Looking forward to nursing was one of the things that sustained me through my pregnancy. I'm sure we'll get through it, but I will have a bottle in a cooler next to the bed tonight. If he starts the nursing every 20 minute thing, I am giving him a bottle. Hopefully we will both get some good sleep tonight. I need it if I will survive until Christmas.
On a positive note, a mom from Maestro's class brought me Irish Soda Bread. I had a slice for Breakfast after Little Bit's apt. It was so yummy! I think I will end my day with a piece of it too. Best part is she agreed to share the recipe. It is honestly the best Irish Soda Bread I have had.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
When we go to Africa.....
Amidst the holiday madness, I must remember to write down the cute things the kids say. The discussions of the winter holidays really has Galileo's mind churning. Last week he wanted to know why we weren't Jewish. Yesterday we had this dialogue while decorating the tree.
Galileo: Have we ever been to another country?
Me: No, you and Maestro haven't yet
Galileo: (Thinks a minute) Well, when we go to Africa, we will be African Americans
Me: Well, no. Afican American is a word for some Americans who have darker colored skin. They are called that because their ancestors came from Africa.
Galileo: (looks confused)
Me: (thinking of all the political and historical info that is way over his head) Honestly, we should be called European Americans because our ancestors came from Europe.
Galileo: What?
Me: Our ancestors came from Europe.
Galileo: NO, MAMA, what did you call us light skinned people?
Me: European Americans, cause our ancestors, our great great great grandparents came from Europe, right.
Galileo: Right, European Americans. (all is right in his world again and goes back to decorating)
I wonder what he is going bring home to stump me with next
Amidst the holiday madness, I must remember to write down the cute things the kids say. The discussions of the winter holidays really has Galileo's mind churning. Last week he wanted to know why we weren't Jewish. Yesterday we had this dialogue while decorating the tree.
Galileo: Have we ever been to another country?
Me: No, you and Maestro haven't yet
Galileo: (Thinks a minute) Well, when we go to Africa, we will be African Americans
Me: Well, no. Afican American is a word for some Americans who have darker colored skin. They are called that because their ancestors came from Africa.
Galileo: (looks confused)
Me: (thinking of all the political and historical info that is way over his head) Honestly, we should be called European Americans because our ancestors came from Europe.
Galileo: What?
Me: Our ancestors came from Europe.
Galileo: NO, MAMA, what did you call us light skinned people?
Me: European Americans, cause our ancestors, our great great great grandparents came from Europe, right.
Galileo: Right, European Americans. (all is right in his world again and goes back to decorating)
I wonder what he is going bring home to stump me with next

After visiting 2 targets and calling all the targets in the known universe (ok, just all the ones in this part of Jersey) I gave up and came home to order one from Amazon. My mom agreed to order the other one since Amazon had a 1 item limit on this toy. Well, I logged on and it is now out of stock until Jan 9 or later!!!! rrrgh!
I did a search and finally found it for $4 more than retail at a site I have never heard of. I hope its a legit site and they actually get here.
Just got back from taking Galileo to school. Now, I need to get some breakfast and coffee before the babe wakes up and then get to work. Luckily Galileo has enrichment today so I don't HAVE to be anywhere until 4:15. Maybe Maestro and I will go to the grocery with childcare so he can play and I can buzz through the store.

After visiting 2 targets and calling all the targets in the known universe (ok, just all the ones in this part of Jersey) I gave up and came home to order one from Amazon. My mom agreed to order the other one since Amazon had a 1 item limit on this toy. Well, I logged on and it is now out of stock until Jan 9 or later!!!! rrrgh!
I did a search and finally found it for $4 more than retail at a site I have never heard of. I hope its a legit site and they actually get here.
Just got back from taking Galileo to school. Now, I need to get some breakfast and coffee before the babe wakes up and then get to work. Luckily Galileo has enrichment today so I don't HAVE to be anywhere until 4:15. Maybe Maestro and I will go to the grocery with childcare so he can play and I can buzz through the store.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Strike Out!
Grrrrr! I have been all over the place IRL and on the web trying to get the one toy that both my kids asked Santa for. Mind you my shopping for them has been done since Sept., but they both really want Mega Mask by Cranium. Noggin only shows a commercial for it every 6 minutes or so! The marketing is working because it is sold out everywhere. I could have gotten it online last week, but decided to get it in a real store. STOOOPID! Now its sold out on line and at Amazon I can only get one. Only problem is I have 2 boys. One target about 45 minutes away from me has them available supposedly, so I may try there.
Hey, that may be where the grocery store is that I can shop online and then just drive in and pick it up. Hmmmm! Me sees a drive in my future.
Hey, that may be where the grocery store is that I can shop online and then just drive in and pick it up. Hmmmm! Me sees a drive in my future.
I managed to score a gift I had long ago given up on getting. There was a cart full of TMX Elmo's in the middle of an aisle at Toys R Us today. I couldn't believe my luck. I watched many other people approach the cart and investigate in disbelief. I snatched one fast! Don't really have a kid its appropriate for, but we have gotten an elmo every year for the last 5 or 6. It is as much for the adults to laugh over as anything. I think Santa will give it to Little Bit and then the big boys can play with it.
I also finally found a gift for my hubby. I had to go to three different stores and then had to go back to the first store and buy the one I orignally bought that wasn't right. Then I had to go to the bank and redeposit the cash that she gave me for the return. Did all this plus Target and Toys R Us while Maestro was in preschool and still managed to pick him up 30 minutes early and get home to nurse Little Bit. Amazing what an unencumbered mom can accomplish!
I managed to score a gift I had long ago given up on getting. There was a cart full of TMX Elmo's in the middle of an aisle at Toys R Us today. I couldn't believe my luck. I watched many other people approach the cart and investigate in disbelief. I snatched one fast! Don't really have a kid its appropriate for, but we have gotten an elmo every year for the last 5 or 6. It is as much for the adults to laugh over as anything. I think Santa will give it to Little Bit and then the big boys can play with it.
I also finally found a gift for my hubby. I had to go to three different stores and then had to go back to the first store and buy the one I orignally bought that wasn't right. Then I had to go to the bank and redeposit the cash that she gave me for the return. Did all this plus Target and Toys R Us while Maestro was in preschool and still managed to pick him up 30 minutes early and get home to nurse Little Bit. Amazing what an unencumbered mom can accomplish!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Live, Love, Laugh: Back to Blogging
I stopped blogging here when I created a weight loss page and blog elsewhere. Then I got pg and that blog didn't seem like the appropriate place to be posting and yet for some reason I didn't come back here.
I wish I could back date posts here. I would love to be able to compile posts to web communities I visit along with the posts I made to the other blog and have them all in one place. If anyone knows how I can do that, please let me know.
Baby has another cold. I have a million errands that I was hoping to get done today while his big brothers are in school, but I hesitate to take him out while he is sick. I'm so tired, I think I may go nap. I have a million and one things here at home I could be doing too, but sleep sounds so good....
Think I'll go do that and then maybe get up in time to do something before I pick Matthew up from his playdate.
Wow, what a boring first entry.
P.S. I figured it out! I will copy things that I have posted elsewhere and back date them.
I wish I could back date posts here. I would love to be able to compile posts to web communities I visit along with the posts I made to the other blog and have them all in one place. If anyone knows how I can do that, please let me know.
Baby has another cold. I have a million errands that I was hoping to get done today while his big brothers are in school, but I hesitate to take him out while he is sick. I'm so tired, I think I may go nap. I have a million and one things here at home I could be doing too, but sleep sounds so good....
Think I'll go do that and then maybe get up in time to do something before I pick Matthew up from his playdate.
Wow, what a boring first entry.
P.S. I figured it out! I will copy things that I have posted elsewhere and back date them.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Little Bit's Birth Story.
On Sunday 10/1, dh and I went to bed around midnight. My mom had come the week before to help me with the boys since I was on modified bedrest due to complete placenta previa. When she realized that they didn't have school on Monday for Yom Kippur, she agreed to stay until Tuesday. I fell asleep with my head filled with ideas of what mom and I would do with the boys the next day. I was also thinking of all we might do to prepare for baby while mom was here.
90 minutes later, I woke up to use the bathroom and thought something felt weird. When I got in the bathroom, I saw blood covering my underwear and realized there was a puddle on the bed. I called the doc, woke up dh, and headed to the hospital. I was admitted to L&D at 2AM on Monday, 10/2 for observation and monitoring. Soon after being admitted, the contractions started about 4 minutes apart. I was told that blood irritates the uterus and so I was likely to contract, so I wasn't too worried. I got the first of two steroid shots to mature baby's lungs "just in case" and was started on magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions. I knew from friends that mag "is evil", but wasn't sure what to expect. The nurse told me it would make me feel hot, might give me a head ache etc. She also told me they would be checking my reflexes, breathing, vitals etc every hour while I was on it, so it was obvious this was a heavy duty drug. For the first several hours, I was surprised to feel pretty OK. The worst was that the L&D bed was so uncomfortable and was killing my back. The monitor also kept losing Nathaniel's h/b. I thought this was because I was fidgeting so much trying to get comfortable. The nurse reassured me it was because Little Bit was moving so much.
At one point she had me roll back and forth on the bed for something (steroid shot maybe?) and then was pushing on my belly with the monitor trying to find him. My blood pressure had dropped to 82/43. The drop in bp, the rolling, the belly pressing and the mag all combined to make me sick. I lay there vomiting wondering why I had sent my husband home and feeling very alone. Luckily the nurse picked up on it right away, pumped fluids in my IV, and I felt better within the hour. I stayed in L&D until Tuesday morning when the mag was stopped and I as transferred to regular room on the antepartum unit. I was so happy to be in a regular hospital bed in a room with a window that I actually cried. (TheL&D room was a little used, tiny box with no window that felt like a prison cell). Oh, I was also finally allowed to eat for the first time since I had been admitted. Chicken broth has never tasted so good! They told me I would be going home sometime on Friday assuming I didn't bleed again. Those were the prophetic words.
On Weds, I was finally allowed to shower for the first time since I had been admitted, dh brought my 5 year old in to visit and I went down to radiology for an MRI. I was at risk for placenta accreta which is when the placenta embeds too deeply in the uterine muscle. This can make the placenta very difficult to remove at delivery and can lead to hemorraging. I was anxious for these results since having an accreta was likely to keep me in the hospital until delivery. By the time dh and ds left, I was feeling pretty tired and crampy. That night the contractions and bleeding started again, so it was back to L&D and magnesium for me. This time they took me to L&D in my regular bed which helped me be much more comfortable. The mag really wasn't that bad and I was only on it about 12 hours. The resident finally convinced the peri to try me on procardia to control the contractions which would allow me to go back to the antepartum unit. My nurse and the ob in my ob group that I liked and I all agreed it probably made sense for me to stay in the hospital. My mom and I were very worried about what would happen if I went home.
Friday, I was in shock when the peri came in and told me I was going home that day. I was very scared to leave, but he said he couldn't justify keeping me. He also told me the MRI was inconclusive, so they still didn't know if I had an accreta or not. As he left I asked what would bring me back to the hospital. He said "red blood". An hour later, I used the bathroom, wiped, and found red blood on the TP. Gross as it is, I saved the TP to show the nurse when she came in after shift change. Before the nurse came in, one of the OBs came in. I said, "this is gross, but I need your opinion on what color this blood is. Dr. Smith said I should come back if I had red blood". She agreed with me that it looked red and looked concerned. Needless to say, I didn't go home that day.
I did shower and have my 3 year old come visit, both of which wore me out. The bleeding pretty much stopped by mid afternoon though which was a relief. Or so I thought. Then, around 5pm, I went to use the bathroom and realized I was bleeding again. I told the nurse, she called the resident, but nothing happened. I also told the nurse I was feeling crampy, but she did not put me on the monitor. I had to pee every 30 minutes for the next 2 hours and every time I did the bleeding was worse. WARNING: TMI - at one point I passed about a dozen small clots. I called the nurse again after that one and told her about the clots and that I thought I was contracting. She put me on the monitor and called the resident again. He finally came and seemed really grumpy. He was not one I had met before and I didn't like him. He did a speculum exam which hurt like the dickens and decided to send me back to L&D. I had to have another IV put in which took the nurses 3 tries to get in and was not fun! While I was waiting to be transferred, I had a mega big contraction, the monitor alarmed and I thought it was just because it was showing the contraction as being twice as strong as any I had had so far. The nurse and resident came running in, the nurse had me roll onto my left side and they started rolling me to L&D, I thought. I was rubbing my belly, talking to Little Bit and praying for God to give him strength and to give the doctors skill and help them make the right decisions. Then, I heard the nurse say "oh, open up" in a really worried voice when we got to some locked double doors. I saw the resident on the phone and heard "2 minute decel" as we were rolling by the nurses station, but didn't put it all together. Then the next thing I saw was people grabbing surgical caps as we went through another set of doors. I freaked out. "Where are you taking me? is this the OR?" I was so afraid they were going to put me under and do the section without my husband or any of the experienced docs who were familiar with my history and my case.
The anesthesiologist was peppering me with questions, but he was not a native English speaker and didn't understand my replies. I was sooooo scared. Finally, God answered my prayers by sending an angel to me in the form of a resident who was so calm and cool and kind. She came over and introduced herself, held my hand and told me what was going on. The monitor had gone off because Nathaniel had a decel in his heart rate. She thought the best course of action was to monitor me in the OR for about an hour to make sure he was stable. If he was stable, I would go back to L&D to start magnesium again as originally planned. Thank goodness Little Bit cooperated. As I was lying there, they called Craig, so by the time I got to L&D, he was there and he spent the night with me. It was one of the most miserable nights of my life. I don't know if they were giving me more mag than I had the first 2 times or if it was just because I was on it longer, but I was miserable. And because of the race to the ER, they weren't even letting me have ice chips. By the next morning, I couldn't even move in the bed and felt like I couldn't breathe. I found out later that magnesium is a central nervous system suppressant which is why they regularly check your reflexes, breathing, blood pressure etc.
The chief resident, who is a total sweetheart, came in early in the morning and couldn't believe what was going on. He was very low key but seemed pretty concerned. He told me he would be back with the peri in 1/2 hour. In the meantime, the OB came in, I had an biophysical profile of baby and was checked a million times. I finally sent my husband home to take our boys to soccer class and told him I would call him if he was needed. Finally around noon, the peri made it in. He told me "you are a time bomb. You are having this baby today. How's 1:30 sound?" Then things started moving. They shut off the mag, the nurse called my husband, and the anesthesiologist's Physicians Assistant came in to talk with me. I was really worried about delivering so early - 32w5d, but was also relieved. I didn't know how much longer I could do the mag or how many more of these bleeding episodes I could handle. I was also scared for myself. The docs had seemed so concerned about my past history and we still didn't know if I had an accreta, so I was concerned about how the surgery would go. Then, the gynecologic oncologist came in to talk to me. He exuded such confidence and didn't seem concerned at all about what he would find when he opened me up. He answered my questions and spoke to me like I am an intelligent human being. He even appreciated my more obscure question about using methotrexate to shrink a placenta when it is left in the uterus, and understood my desire to avoid this so I could breastfeed. He also made it clear that no matter what we discussed now, he would do what was necessary in the moment to keep my baby and I safe.
Craig arrived and we finally headed for the OR. At one point, they had me sitting alone on the skinny little OR table all alone while everyone scurried around. I was so dizzy and light headed it took all my willpower to stay up right. It didn't help when the anesthesiologist peppered me with questions and repeatedly jabbed his fingers in my back with no warning. Finally I was laying down and happy to see them use my gown as the screen rather than a huge sheet. I could actually see the surgeons working above me. I was asking lots of questions etc which made the anesthesiologist think I was too anxious. So, he got me really stoned. In some ways it was good, and in others it was really irritating. For example, I know Craig finally was allowed in the room and was really, really sweet to me, but I couldn't really focus on him. I also know Little Bit cried in the OR, but wasn't sure when it happened. Craig has since told me he cried as soon as he was out. I have never been so happy to hear a baby cry in my life. Then Craig told me "they are taking out the placenta". He says the docs were really tugging and yanking away. I remember asking if it was an accreta and the resident shaking his head, but later the OB told me it was embedded deeply.
All I really cared about was the warmer where they were working on Little Bit. I was so hopeful that the crying meant he was breathing ok and wouldn't need a respirator etc. He was doing so well that they brought him to me all swaddled and told me to touch him. Then the nurse held him right up to my face so I could kiss him. I was so grateful to her for that. It is one of my most cherished memories. I sent dh off to the NICU with Little Bit and just kinda zoned out while they were working on me. I had wanted them to tie my tubes, but they said they could not accept my consent while I was spaced out on Mag. (I was supposed to sign the consent at my next prenatal appointment 3days later) I felt alot more with this section than I have in the past. It felt at one point like I was a drawstring bag that they were tugging closed. Not painful at all, but very strange. Finally it was time to go to recovery where dh brought me the digital camera filled with pictures of him.
From recovery, I had to go to L&D for more monitoring for a couple of hours. On the way to a regular room, they wheeled me on the stretcher to the NICU. Miraculously, I didn't get sick on this trip. I usually throw up after surgery especially when being transported afterwards. Maybe it was just willpower. I was not going to let anything get in the way of my seeing my little man. Little Bit was on the warmer and looked absolutely perfect. He was like a tiny perfect little doll. In fact he was half the size of his older brother at birth. Maestro was 8lbs 6oz. Little Bit was 4lbs. The nurse gave me lots of info and told me how well he was doing. He was on room air cpap. He didn't need any extra oxygen, but did need just a little pressure to force the air in his lungs. This was given through a nasal canula. She warned me that he would probably be in an isolette in the AM when I came to see him and that he would eventually graduate to an open crib when he could regulate his own temperature. Soon I was very tired and they wheeled me to my room where I got sick several times. BUT it just didn't matter. May baby boy was here and he was OK! I was ecstatic.
My recovery has been fairly easy. I swear the vertical incision is less painful than the horizontal ones I had for my 2 previous sections were. Every time the docs came to check on me, I told them I felt great and it was true. I was just so happy to not be pregnant anymore and after months of worry was so glad that everything turned out ok. I found out the next day just how lucky I was. This has been repeated by every doc that was in the OR that day including the neonatologist. Apparently as soon as they opened me up, they could see Little Bit. My uterine wall had an area about 6 inches in diameter that was paper thin. The neonatologist described it as "barely a membrane covering the baby" and said she had never seen anything like it. The gynecologic oncologist also told me about it and warned me that getting pg again would be really dangerous. In the end, the bleeding and the contractions turned out to be a good thing. If the pregnancy had gone on much longer the uterus could have ruptured which could have been fatal for baby and I both. I just feel so thankful to be alive and thankful to have my 3 beautiful boys. I'm not a very religous person, but I had a lot of people praying for us, and I think that had to have helped! To all of those doing the praying thank you!
Best of all, Little Bit is supposed to come home tomorrow! 2 weeks after birth at 34w6d gestation.
On Sunday 10/1, dh and I went to bed around midnight. My mom had come the week before to help me with the boys since I was on modified bedrest due to complete placenta previa. When she realized that they didn't have school on Monday for Yom Kippur, she agreed to stay until Tuesday. I fell asleep with my head filled with ideas of what mom and I would do with the boys the next day. I was also thinking of all we might do to prepare for baby while mom was here.
90 minutes later, I woke up to use the bathroom and thought something felt weird. When I got in the bathroom, I saw blood covering my underwear and realized there was a puddle on the bed. I called the doc, woke up dh, and headed to the hospital. I was admitted to L&D at 2AM on Monday, 10/2 for observation and monitoring. Soon after being admitted, the contractions started about 4 minutes apart. I was told that blood irritates the uterus and so I was likely to contract, so I wasn't too worried. I got the first of two steroid shots to mature baby's lungs "just in case" and was started on magnesium sulfate to stop the contractions. I knew from friends that mag "is evil", but wasn't sure what to expect. The nurse told me it would make me feel hot, might give me a head ache etc. She also told me they would be checking my reflexes, breathing, vitals etc every hour while I was on it, so it was obvious this was a heavy duty drug. For the first several hours, I was surprised to feel pretty OK. The worst was that the L&D bed was so uncomfortable and was killing my back. The monitor also kept losing Nathaniel's h/b. I thought this was because I was fidgeting so much trying to get comfortable. The nurse reassured me it was because Little Bit was moving so much.
At one point she had me roll back and forth on the bed for something (steroid shot maybe?) and then was pushing on my belly with the monitor trying to find him. My blood pressure had dropped to 82/43. The drop in bp, the rolling, the belly pressing and the mag all combined to make me sick. I lay there vomiting wondering why I had sent my husband home and feeling very alone. Luckily the nurse picked up on it right away, pumped fluids in my IV, and I felt better within the hour. I stayed in L&D until Tuesday morning when the mag was stopped and I as transferred to regular room on the antepartum unit. I was so happy to be in a regular hospital bed in a room with a window that I actually cried. (TheL&D room was a little used, tiny box with no window that felt like a prison cell). Oh, I was also finally allowed to eat for the first time since I had been admitted. Chicken broth has never tasted so good! They told me I would be going home sometime on Friday assuming I didn't bleed again. Those were the prophetic words.
On Weds, I was finally allowed to shower for the first time since I had been admitted, dh brought my 5 year old in to visit and I went down to radiology for an MRI. I was at risk for placenta accreta which is when the placenta embeds too deeply in the uterine muscle. This can make the placenta very difficult to remove at delivery and can lead to hemorraging. I was anxious for these results since having an accreta was likely to keep me in the hospital until delivery. By the time dh and ds left, I was feeling pretty tired and crampy. That night the contractions and bleeding started again, so it was back to L&D and magnesium for me. This time they took me to L&D in my regular bed which helped me be much more comfortable. The mag really wasn't that bad and I was only on it about 12 hours. The resident finally convinced the peri to try me on procardia to control the contractions which would allow me to go back to the antepartum unit. My nurse and the ob in my ob group that I liked and I all agreed it probably made sense for me to stay in the hospital. My mom and I were very worried about what would happen if I went home.
Friday, I was in shock when the peri came in and told me I was going home that day. I was very scared to leave, but he said he couldn't justify keeping me. He also told me the MRI was inconclusive, so they still didn't know if I had an accreta or not. As he left I asked what would bring me back to the hospital. He said "red blood". An hour later, I used the bathroom, wiped, and found red blood on the TP. Gross as it is, I saved the TP to show the nurse when she came in after shift change. Before the nurse came in, one of the OBs came in. I said, "this is gross, but I need your opinion on what color this blood is. Dr. Smith said I should come back if I had red blood". She agreed with me that it looked red and looked concerned. Needless to say, I didn't go home that day.
I did shower and have my 3 year old come visit, both of which wore me out. The bleeding pretty much stopped by mid afternoon though which was a relief. Or so I thought. Then, around 5pm, I went to use the bathroom and realized I was bleeding again. I told the nurse, she called the resident, but nothing happened. I also told the nurse I was feeling crampy, but she did not put me on the monitor. I had to pee every 30 minutes for the next 2 hours and every time I did the bleeding was worse. WARNING: TMI - at one point I passed about a dozen small clots. I called the nurse again after that one and told her about the clots and that I thought I was contracting. She put me on the monitor and called the resident again. He finally came and seemed really grumpy. He was not one I had met before and I didn't like him. He did a speculum exam which hurt like the dickens and decided to send me back to L&D. I had to have another IV put in which took the nurses 3 tries to get in and was not fun! While I was waiting to be transferred, I had a mega big contraction, the monitor alarmed and I thought it was just because it was showing the contraction as being twice as strong as any I had had so far. The nurse and resident came running in, the nurse had me roll onto my left side and they started rolling me to L&D, I thought. I was rubbing my belly, talking to Little Bit and praying for God to give him strength and to give the doctors skill and help them make the right decisions. Then, I heard the nurse say "oh, open up" in a really worried voice when we got to some locked double doors. I saw the resident on the phone and heard "2 minute decel" as we were rolling by the nurses station, but didn't put it all together. Then the next thing I saw was people grabbing surgical caps as we went through another set of doors. I freaked out. "Where are you taking me? is this the OR?" I was so afraid they were going to put me under and do the section without my husband or any of the experienced docs who were familiar with my history and my case.
The anesthesiologist was peppering me with questions, but he was not a native English speaker and didn't understand my replies. I was sooooo scared. Finally, God answered my prayers by sending an angel to me in the form of a resident who was so calm and cool and kind. She came over and introduced herself, held my hand and told me what was going on. The monitor had gone off because Nathaniel had a decel in his heart rate. She thought the best course of action was to monitor me in the OR for about an hour to make sure he was stable. If he was stable, I would go back to L&D to start magnesium again as originally planned. Thank goodness Little Bit cooperated. As I was lying there, they called Craig, so by the time I got to L&D, he was there and he spent the night with me. It was one of the most miserable nights of my life. I don't know if they were giving me more mag than I had the first 2 times or if it was just because I was on it longer, but I was miserable. And because of the race to the ER, they weren't even letting me have ice chips. By the next morning, I couldn't even move in the bed and felt like I couldn't breathe. I found out later that magnesium is a central nervous system suppressant which is why they regularly check your reflexes, breathing, blood pressure etc.
The chief resident, who is a total sweetheart, came in early in the morning and couldn't believe what was going on. He was very low key but seemed pretty concerned. He told me he would be back with the peri in 1/2 hour. In the meantime, the OB came in, I had an biophysical profile of baby and was checked a million times. I finally sent my husband home to take our boys to soccer class and told him I would call him if he was needed. Finally around noon, the peri made it in. He told me "you are a time bomb. You are having this baby today. How's 1:30 sound?" Then things started moving. They shut off the mag, the nurse called my husband, and the anesthesiologist's Physicians Assistant came in to talk with me. I was really worried about delivering so early - 32w5d, but was also relieved. I didn't know how much longer I could do the mag or how many more of these bleeding episodes I could handle. I was also scared for myself. The docs had seemed so concerned about my past history and we still didn't know if I had an accreta, so I was concerned about how the surgery would go. Then, the gynecologic oncologist came in to talk to me. He exuded such confidence and didn't seem concerned at all about what he would find when he opened me up. He answered my questions and spoke to me like I am an intelligent human being. He even appreciated my more obscure question about using methotrexate to shrink a placenta when it is left in the uterus, and understood my desire to avoid this so I could breastfeed. He also made it clear that no matter what we discussed now, he would do what was necessary in the moment to keep my baby and I safe.
Craig arrived and we finally headed for the OR. At one point, they had me sitting alone on the skinny little OR table all alone while everyone scurried around. I was so dizzy and light headed it took all my willpower to stay up right. It didn't help when the anesthesiologist peppered me with questions and repeatedly jabbed his fingers in my back with no warning. Finally I was laying down and happy to see them use my gown as the screen rather than a huge sheet. I could actually see the surgeons working above me. I was asking lots of questions etc which made the anesthesiologist think I was too anxious. So, he got me really stoned. In some ways it was good, and in others it was really irritating. For example, I know Craig finally was allowed in the room and was really, really sweet to me, but I couldn't really focus on him. I also know Little Bit cried in the OR, but wasn't sure when it happened. Craig has since told me he cried as soon as he was out. I have never been so happy to hear a baby cry in my life. Then Craig told me "they are taking out the placenta". He says the docs were really tugging and yanking away. I remember asking if it was an accreta and the resident shaking his head, but later the OB told me it was embedded deeply.
All I really cared about was the warmer where they were working on Little Bit. I was so hopeful that the crying meant he was breathing ok and wouldn't need a respirator etc. He was doing so well that they brought him to me all swaddled and told me to touch him. Then the nurse held him right up to my face so I could kiss him. I was so grateful to her for that. It is one of my most cherished memories. I sent dh off to the NICU with Little Bit and just kinda zoned out while they were working on me. I had wanted them to tie my tubes, but they said they could not accept my consent while I was spaced out on Mag. (I was supposed to sign the consent at my next prenatal appointment 3days later) I felt alot more with this section than I have in the past. It felt at one point like I was a drawstring bag that they were tugging closed. Not painful at all, but very strange. Finally it was time to go to recovery where dh brought me the digital camera filled with pictures of him.
From recovery, I had to go to L&D for more monitoring for a couple of hours. On the way to a regular room, they wheeled me on the stretcher to the NICU. Miraculously, I didn't get sick on this trip. I usually throw up after surgery especially when being transported afterwards. Maybe it was just willpower. I was not going to let anything get in the way of my seeing my little man. Little Bit was on the warmer and looked absolutely perfect. He was like a tiny perfect little doll. In fact he was half the size of his older brother at birth. Maestro was 8lbs 6oz. Little Bit was 4lbs. The nurse gave me lots of info and told me how well he was doing. He was on room air cpap. He didn't need any extra oxygen, but did need just a little pressure to force the air in his lungs. This was given through a nasal canula. She warned me that he would probably be in an isolette in the AM when I came to see him and that he would eventually graduate to an open crib when he could regulate his own temperature. Soon I was very tired and they wheeled me to my room where I got sick several times. BUT it just didn't matter. May baby boy was here and he was OK! I was ecstatic.
My recovery has been fairly easy. I swear the vertical incision is less painful than the horizontal ones I had for my 2 previous sections were. Every time the docs came to check on me, I told them I felt great and it was true. I was just so happy to not be pregnant anymore and after months of worry was so glad that everything turned out ok. I found out the next day just how lucky I was. This has been repeated by every doc that was in the OR that day including the neonatologist. Apparently as soon as they opened me up, they could see Little Bit. My uterine wall had an area about 6 inches in diameter that was paper thin. The neonatologist described it as "barely a membrane covering the baby" and said she had never seen anything like it. The gynecologic oncologist also told me about it and warned me that getting pg again would be really dangerous. In the end, the bleeding and the contractions turned out to be a good thing. If the pregnancy had gone on much longer the uterus could have ruptured which could have been fatal for baby and I both. I just feel so thankful to be alive and thankful to have my 3 beautiful boys. I'm not a very religous person, but I had a lot of people praying for us, and I think that had to have helped! To all of those doing the praying thank you!
Best of all, Little Bit is supposed to come home tomorrow! 2 weeks after birth at 34w6d gestation.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Little Bit Has Arrived
This is an email that dh sent out:
"FYI -
Carol and I are happy to announce that "Little Bit" was born Saturday at 2:29pm . He was only at 33 weeks (gestational age), and we weren't expecting a scheduled C-section until early November. His "official" due date was Nov 27th.
I took Carol to the hospital last Sunday night, after midnight,
with early bleeding. This was expected given her existing complications with this pregnancy. As a precaution they gave her steroids to trigger the early maturation of Little Bit's lungs, in case they had to deliver within a couple of days. They kept her in Labor & Delivery throughout
the week, trying to get contractions and bleeding under control. She was back-and-forth between the Ante-Partum wing and the labor and delivery room, as her status fluxuated. I spent all of Friday night in L&D with her. I came home at 9am to take the kids to Soccer, but
by 11:30am the Perinatologist had decided that there was a greater risk in delaying the birth. It is good that he did, because of what they found in doing the C-Section, but I will let Carol post about that when she is back home.
Fortunately, everyone is doing well. Little Bit was just about 4lbs even, and cried immediately upon birth (so lungs were mature). He's in really good shape, nice pink color, but will probably spend the next 2 to 3 weeks in the NICU. His facial features, from his
picture on the warmer, looks remarkably like Maestro's picture when
he was born. It will be interesting to see if this holds true. I'll
post a picture later. Carol will probably come home on Wednesday.
- Craig"
"FYI -
Carol and I are happy to announce that "Little Bit" was born Saturday at 2:29pm . He was only at 33 weeks (gestational age), and we weren't expecting a scheduled C-section until early November. His "official" due date was Nov 27th.
I took Carol to the hospital last Sunday night, after midnight,
with early bleeding. This was expected given her existing complications with this pregnancy. As a precaution they gave her steroids to trigger the early maturation of Little Bit's lungs, in case they had to deliver within a couple of days. They kept her in Labor & Delivery throughout
the week, trying to get contractions and bleeding under control. She was back-and-forth between the Ante-Partum wing and the labor and delivery room, as her status fluxuated. I spent all of Friday night in L&D with her. I came home at 9am to take the kids to Soccer, but
by 11:30am the Perinatologist had decided that there was a greater risk in delaying the birth. It is good that he did, because of what they found in doing the C-Section, but I will let Carol post about that when she is back home.
Fortunately, everyone is doing well. Little Bit was just about 4lbs even, and cried immediately upon birth (so lungs were mature). He's in really good shape, nice pink color, but will probably spend the next 2 to 3 weeks in the NICU. His facial features, from his
picture on the warmer, looks remarkably like Maestro's picture when
he was born. It will be interesting to see if this holds true. I'll
post a picture later. Carol will probably come home on Wednesday.
- Craig"
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
OB Apt. was very unsatisfying. I'm home on bedrest, but he said I can get up to do my chores???? What? I really don't think I like this OB. I feel a lack of communication from him or a disconnect. Don't feel like he listens or I'm not sure, I can't explain.
He did a very gentle exam with the speculum that hurt like hell! He said the discharge looked normal, and didn't swab it. So I guess no infection, but I can't help but wonder. He did do a vaginal u/s and my cervix is nice and long (a 4) so that was very reassuring. I'm just not sure how much to rest. He said "you need to do more bedrest". I was thinking no one told me to do any bedrest. So I asked him to define bedrest. Then he said just take it easy, don't go running around, no trips etc. Well, duh, I've pretty much been doing that. He said I could be helper in Matthew's class tomorrow, but we decided that he doesn't understand just how physical that can be, so craig is going to go tomorrow. I do kinda wish we had gone into the hospital on Sat. night so the contractions could have been monitored and the doc could see how strong they were. If it happens again, we will go in.
I'm not sure how we are going to manage if I don't do stuff and its hard not to with the nebulous instructions I have been given. I mentioned gettng a part time nanny and dh doesn't think we can afford it. His current plan is to start working on "Zurich time". That would allowe him to connect wth people in Europe and have a block of time to work when we are all sleeping.
I'm going bck to rest now. Last night just being on the computer made me contract.
He did a very gentle exam with the speculum that hurt like hell! He said the discharge looked normal, and didn't swab it. So I guess no infection, but I can't help but wonder. He did do a vaginal u/s and my cervix is nice and long (a 4) so that was very reassuring. I'm just not sure how much to rest. He said "you need to do more bedrest". I was thinking no one told me to do any bedrest. So I asked him to define bedrest. Then he said just take it easy, don't go running around, no trips etc. Well, duh, I've pretty much been doing that. He said I could be helper in Matthew's class tomorrow, but we decided that he doesn't understand just how physical that can be, so craig is going to go tomorrow. I do kinda wish we had gone into the hospital on Sat. night so the contractions could have been monitored and the doc could see how strong they were. If it happens again, we will go in.
I'm not sure how we are going to manage if I don't do stuff and its hard not to with the nebulous instructions I have been given. I mentioned gettng a part time nanny and dh doesn't think we can afford it. His current plan is to start working on "Zurich time". That would allowe him to connect wth people in Europe and have a block of time to work when we are all sleeping.
I'm going bck to rest now. Last night just being on the computer made me contract.
My wish may come true
On my way to the OB. Think he may tell me I'm on bedrest. I had many, many contractions over the weekend including a miserable car ride home from the inlaws on Sat. night when the contractions were 2 minutes apart and I couldn't talk through them. Craig argued that the car was not the place to stop them and rather than go to the hospital we should get home, I should empty my bladder and lay on the couch. I wasn't sure this was the right thing to do, but I did it and they did ease up. They were less intense and less frequent to the point that I was able to fall asleep. I slept most of Sunday afternoon and Sunday night too. Now whenever I do anything, I start to cramp and contract again. So, I called the nurse yesterday.
She said to "take it easy" and told me to come in today to take the 3 hour glucose test (I always fail the one hour) and to see my doc. I think I may have an infection and that is what is causing all the contractions. I hope my doc takes me seriously today. I just don't feel "right" if you know what I mean.
Craig all ready started telling people I was on bed rest yesterday. We'll see what the doc says today. I'm not sure how he will hold up under the strain of a full time job and caring for two boys. we'll see....
On my way to the OB. Think he may tell me I'm on bedrest. I had many, many contractions over the weekend including a miserable car ride home from the inlaws on Sat. night when the contractions were 2 minutes apart and I couldn't talk through them. Craig argued that the car was not the place to stop them and rather than go to the hospital we should get home, I should empty my bladder and lay on the couch. I wasn't sure this was the right thing to do, but I did it and they did ease up. They were less intense and less frequent to the point that I was able to fall asleep. I slept most of Sunday afternoon and Sunday night too. Now whenever I do anything, I start to cramp and contract again. So, I called the nurse yesterday.
She said to "take it easy" and told me to come in today to take the 3 hour glucose test (I always fail the one hour) and to see my doc. I think I may have an infection and that is what is causing all the contractions. I hope my doc takes me seriously today. I just don't feel "right" if you know what I mean.
Craig all ready started telling people I was on bed rest yesterday. We'll see what the doc says today. I'm not sure how he will hold up under the strain of a full time job and caring for two boys. we'll see....
Friday, September 08, 2006
Wishing For Bed Rest
Not really, butI'm soooo tired! and EVERYTHING hurts. My belly hurts all the time, the pubic symphysis pain is a killer, its getting harder to breathe, my back hurts ALL the time, my joints are loosening so my arthritis is acting up and the knee I wrecked before M was born is aching again. I'm so paranoid every time I have a contraction because I'm afraid the previa will begin bleeding etc, etc.
If I worked outside the home, I might ask doc to write me out of work, but as a SAHM, who do I give the letter to? lol. I don't really need bedrest, I know, just a break. So many women with previa are on bedrest, but my docs don't believe in it unless I have a significant bleed. I obviously don't want to bleed, and yet I'm so sick of worrying and wondering about it happening that part of me just wants to get it over with. 75% of women with previa do bleed, but I could very well be in the 25% that doesn't.
I'm really fairly cautious with my contractions. to which Fertile Friend said yesterday, "aren't you just having braxton hicks? You should be having them by now, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about. Then again you and Craig always worry about them much more than we do". Um ok, whatever. Thanks for feeding my "I don't want to be melodramatic or a hypochondriac paranoia!"
Now I need to get out of here before the cleaning woman shows because I'm embarrassed by my pit of a house. Also need to get M's blood drawn and do about a million errands. sigh.....
Carol Anne
P.S. I know it will all be worth it in the end and thats what I keep focusing on. BUT if I develop amnesia and start thinking about #4 in a year or so, someone smack me please!
Not really, butI'm soooo tired! and EVERYTHING hurts. My belly hurts all the time, the pubic symphysis pain is a killer, its getting harder to breathe, my back hurts ALL the time, my joints are loosening so my arthritis is acting up and the knee I wrecked before M was born is aching again. I'm so paranoid every time I have a contraction because I'm afraid the previa will begin bleeding etc, etc.
If I worked outside the home, I might ask doc to write me out of work, but as a SAHM, who do I give the letter to? lol. I don't really need bedrest, I know, just a break. So many women with previa are on bedrest, but my docs don't believe in it unless I have a significant bleed. I obviously don't want to bleed, and yet I'm so sick of worrying and wondering about it happening that part of me just wants to get it over with. 75% of women with previa do bleed, but I could very well be in the 25% that doesn't.
I'm really fairly cautious with my contractions. to which Fertile Friend said yesterday, "aren't you just having braxton hicks? You should be having them by now, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about. Then again you and Craig always worry about them much more than we do". Um ok, whatever. Thanks for feeding my "I don't want to be melodramatic or a hypochondriac paranoia!"
Now I need to get out of here before the cleaning woman shows because I'm embarrassed by my pit of a house. Also need to get M's blood drawn and do about a million errands. sigh.....
Carol Anne
P.S. I know it will all be worth it in the end and thats what I keep focusing on. BUT if I develop amnesia and start thinking about #4 in a year or so, someone smack me please!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Seems ok today
I finally called my OB last night. I had 4 contractions in about 30 minutes while laying down. It took 90 minutes to get a call back, and by that time the contractions had eased. He said to go to bed and go to my previously scheduled u/s at the peri's this AM. He also said if I bled or had anymore contractions to go right to the hospital rather than call. Probably should have done that in the first place, but hey, my way I got to see Agassi pull out a win at the US Open. Off to my u/s soon.
I seem to only contract if I am up and doing things. Had 2 while changing the bed at 5 AM after JD had an accident. He never wets the bed, of course this AM had to be the day!
I finally called my OB last night. I had 4 contractions in about 30 minutes while laying down. It took 90 minutes to get a call back, and by that time the contractions had eased. He said to go to bed and go to my previously scheduled u/s at the peri's this AM. He also said if I bled or had anymore contractions to go right to the hospital rather than call. Probably should have done that in the first place, but hey, my way I got to see Agassi pull out a win at the US Open. Off to my u/s soon.
I seem to only contract if I am up and doing things. Had 2 while changing the bed at 5 AM after JD had an accident. He never wets the bed, of course this AM had to be the day!

Monday, August 28, 2006
Wish I had a crystal ball
I have complete placenta previa (the placenta completely covers my cervix). In 75% of cases, this leads to bleeding. I had the barest amount of blood on the TP this afternoon, and have been having a lot of contractions. Baby is not moving as much as I am used to either. I am debating calling the doc. I have an u/s with the peri group in the AM. Wondering if I should just wait til then or call now. From what I have researched when bleeding happens, it happens between 27 and 34 weeks. I'm exactly 27 weeks today.
Don't really feel like spending hours in L&D, but don't want to take risks either. I just hate being the "girl who cried wolf". Gosh I wish I had that Crystal ball!
Anyway, its 8:30 pm here. Mom and uncle are putting the boys down (dh is in chicago for work). I'm going to go lay down and try to sleep. If the contractions continue I guess I will call the doc.
I have complete placenta previa (the placenta completely covers my cervix). In 75% of cases, this leads to bleeding. I had the barest amount of blood on the TP this afternoon, and have been having a lot of contractions. Baby is not moving as much as I am used to either. I am debating calling the doc. I have an u/s with the peri group in the AM. Wondering if I should just wait til then or call now. From what I have researched when bleeding happens, it happens between 27 and 34 weeks. I'm exactly 27 weeks today.
Don't really feel like spending hours in L&D, but don't want to take risks either. I just hate being the "girl who cried wolf". Gosh I wish I had that Crystal ball!
Anyway, its 8:30 pm here. Mom and uncle are putting the boys down (dh is in chicago for work). I'm going to go lay down and try to sleep. If the contractions continue I guess I will call the doc.
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